Eugene got totally catfished. The gorgeous girl he was talking to turned out to be a guy that was in love with him
Even the most eligible young men can get catfished, like the American footballer Manti- Teo.
Because Jacob was fat and ugly, he decided to go catfishing on the new dating app
Definition: To create a fake online profile to seduce someone, made famous by the 2010 documentary.
Etymology: Comes from fishing. If you are fishing for catfish. The catfish that takes the bait thinks that you are another catfish. So in modern time, if you get fooled by online profile pictures, you are also taking the bait.
Segue into
Many Christian rock or country stars segue into mainstream pop
Peter used his conversation on the environment to segue into a discussion on electric vehicles
Brad Pitt used this dialogue to segue into the next scene
Defintion: To transition to
Etymology: correct usage was actually segue, which apparently comes by the Italian seguire, meaning "to follow. I had little doubt that the use of segway was substantially bolstered by the hype and general pop-cultural awareness of Dean Kamen's famous flop
Face the music:
After Dennis spent two months drinking and smoking, he had to face the music that his health was deteriorating
After Rick's company lost money, he had to face the music and sell the company
After playing the trumpet for 3 years and not improving, Brian had to face the music and quit
Definition: Face the responsibility of bad decisions
Etymology: theory says it comes from a Civil War military ceremony where an officer that is about to be dishonorably discharged is literally drummed out.