Put on pedestal
Joe was so enamoured by Mandy's beauty he put her on a pedestal even as she bullied others.
Miles placed his father on a pedestal eventhough he never met him and his mother took care of him.
The people placed the King on the pedestal eventhough he was inbred and stupid.
Definition: to behave as if one person is more important than others
Etymology: Base supporting a statue
Have cake and eat it
You cannot have your cake and eat it for Beijing weather. It is either cold and windy or polluted.
Casey had her cake and ate it too, since her boyfriend was good looking and a cook
You cannot have your cake and eat it too when you adopt pets. Dogs are friendlier, but cats are cheaper and easier to maintain.
Definition: You can't have it both ways
Etymology: Shakespearean time 1549, a English playwright John Heywood said "wolde you bothe eate your cake, and have your cake? "you cannot both possess your cake and eat it". Once the cake is eaten, It can also mean that one should not ask for something more than one deserves. Or want to things that are incompatible
In a rut:
Mitchell was at the same company for 20 years without promotion. He was in a rut
Maggie felt that her life was in a rut, so she moved to Beijing to change that.
Cammie felt like her career was in a rut, so she went back to school.
Definition: Established course of action
Etymology: This expression alludes to having a wheel stuck in a groove in the road.