中土世界归来 霍比特人3周末登陆中国!

中土世界归来 霍比特人3周末登陆中国!

2015-01-21    02'27''

主播: 英语直播间

875 49

43-year old Richard Armitage is an English film, television and voice actor. He is best known internationally for his role as Thorin Oakenshield in Peter Jackson's film trilogy adaptation of The Hobbit. Thorin Oakenshield is a young Dwarf leader that set out to reclaim the Lonely Mountain from Smaug the Dragon. He explains: "It's sort of a un-fulfilled legacy that if he doesn't set out for door and take on the burden that's been given to him by his father and his grandfather, then the Kingdom Arabor will never be reclaimed. So that's a huge burden that he carries. I saw him as a kind of dying ember needed to be reignited." The film begins with Smaug's attack on Lake-town and continues with Smaug's demise, The Attack on Dol Guldur, The Battle of the Five Armies, and the return journey. Armitage said at the Beijing press conference that unpredictability was what kept him fascinated throughout the filming. "It's certainly reignited me taking on this role because it became something that I never expected became completely unpredictable. And the journey that I was taken on by and the material I was given was a cherished childhood novel of mine was a real life for filming." Like its predecessors The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, the film is produced and directed by Peter Jackson, who also directed The Lord of the Rings trilogy. In a Weibo message, he greeted Chinese fans and said he is excited to be able to come to China. His appearance in Weibo, Chinese version of Twitter attracted thousands of fans instantly. Filming took place primarily in New Zealand, Peter Jackson's hometown. And the movie also stars Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins, Ian McKellen as Gandalf the Grey, and Benedict Cumberbatch as Smaug. "The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies" has made around 800-million U.S. dollars in Global box office sales. To check whether it deserves a box office success, Chinese moviegoers can go to see it on their own on January 23.