Serve up on platter
Tracy does no work at all, expecting everything to be handed to be handed to her on a plate
Johnny did not realize he handed his little sister on a silver platter to his womanizing friend
The controversy garnered by the film literally handed them viewers on a silver platter
Definition: Provide something valuable for nothing
Etymology: Being alluded to being elaborate served at the table from the 1990s
Coasting along
After Usain Bolt was assured of winning the 100m in the Beijing Olympics, he coasted to the finish line
After Amber quit her job she coasted along before aggressively finding a new job
After winning the lottery, Peter coasted along before the money ran out
Definition: To act or move aimlessly or with little effort
Etymology: derived from sliding down an incline by gravity or without using propelling power
Second fiddle
Ronaldo left the football club after being sick of playing second fiddle to Messi
Ivan played second fiddle at the radio station to the more experienced Jonas
Leo's anxiety problems forced him to play second fiddle in the airplane cockpit.
Definition: To be in subordinate position to someone
Etymology: This term alludes to the part of second violin in an orchestra. Although many would argue it is as important as first violin, it is the idea of being the back-up that was transferred in the figurative term, so used since about 1800.