Devil may care 是什么意思?

Devil may care 是什么意思?

2015-02-01    08'28''

主播: 英语直播间

2018 106

1) Devil may care Tony was not concerned about showing up drunk to work because of his devil may care attitude Milo's hairstyle was devil may care Grace was impressed by Trevor's Devil may care attitude towards money Definition: careless or reckless; happy-go-lucky Etymology: dating to around 1785-95. 2) Fresh off the boat You can tell they are fresh off the boat since they cannot speak the language Fresh off the boat Asians dress less casually from their Asian Americans peers Many fresh off the boat immigrants work in blue collar work Definition: describe immigrants that have arrived from a foreign nation and have not yet assimilated into the host nation's culture, language, and behaviour.[1] Within some ethnic Asian circles in the United States, the phrase is considered politically incorrect and derogatory. Important to be aware of it. 3) Don't hold your breath Eva said she was going to call, but don't hold your breathe We got to watch a movie for class, but don't hold your breathe its just a romantic comedy The price of gas is supposed to go down, But don't hold your breathe Definition: something that you say in order to tell someone that an event is not likely to happen or not to excited over it Etymology: in any case, "don't hold your breath" refers to something that won't change anytime soon. like, if you held your breath to wait, you would pass out!