1) Punch above your weight
Chris the personal trainer told his student not to punch above his weight
The small football team punched above their weight by beating Manchester United
Jeff punched above his weight by asking Lindsey out on a date
1) To be in a situation that requires powers or abilities that one does not possess.
2) To be (temporarily) successful in such a situation.
Etymology: From boxing; a fighter who is punching above his weight is fighting an opponent who is heavier and more dominant.
2) Ship has sailed
When Albert asked his boss for his old job back. His boss said that ship was sailed after Albert quit.
Eventhough, Herman still loved Sandra, that ship had sailed the day she got married to someone else
The ship had sailed for Hayley to get driving lessons from John after she crashed his car.
Definition: A particular opportunity has passed you by when that ship has sailed.
3) Broken Record
Christine sounded like a broken record as she nagged her family
The President constant discussion of raising taxes was like a broken record
Meow Meow the cat sounded like a broken record
Definition: something that repeats causing annoyance