什么样的人被称为“whole package”?

什么样的人被称为“whole package”?

2015-03-06    07'48''

主播: 英语直播间

1216 128

1)Whole package -Gloria was angry when her son Jordan broke up with his girlfriend Vicky, since Vicky was the whole package -Wow, Tim go for that girl she is the whole package -Roy wanted to hire the intern on a full-time basis since had the whole package Definition: A person who possesses all the ideal qualities one is searching for. In terms of a stereotypical potential spouse, a person who is the whole package would have a beautiful face, a great body, intelligence, humor, kindness, confidence, financial stability, maturity, etc. 2) Got schooled -Jason got schooled when computer hackers guessed his password that was the same name as his cat -Nathan got schooled when his little brother answered the science questions his mom was giving him -Cameron got schooled by his mom in bowling Definition: Taught a lesson (the hard way), to lose humiliating 3) Clip wings -Dana never had children, because she thought they would clip her wings in the workplace R-onald disagreed with Ellie on bring to protective of their children, saying that she was clipping their wings -After Troy crashed the family car, they clipped his wings and banned him from driving. Definition: to restrain someone; to reduce or put an end to someone's privileges Etymology: is the process of trimming a bird's primary flight feathers ("primaries") so that it is no longer fully flighted.