Adapted from Adam Rex's 2007 children's book, the latest animated comedy "Home" tells the tale of Oh, a lovable misfit from another plant who comes to Earth and finds himself on the run from his own people.
Best known for his portrayal of Sheldon Cooper in "The Big Bang Theory", multi-award winning actor Jim Parsons voices Oh.
According to him, the movie is all about "unlikely friendships".
"There's these people who all think certain things of each other - people and creatures - and they realize that when they don't put on these pre-suppositioned ideas they can actually reveal that they have a lot in common and they become friends."
Comedian Steve Martin voices an alien captain in the film.
"It's about someone finding home and home becomes where his new friends are."
As for pop star Rihanna, known mostly for her chart-topping music, says she's happy to do something a little different.
"I was excited by the fact that it was a project that my younger fans can enjoy. I don't usually - you know, I'm a 27-year-old - but I want to enjoy - I love cartoons and I want my fans to be able to have something."
Along with providing the voice for a 12-year-old resourceful girl, she also recorded several key songs for the film.
"I wanted the music to be fun at moments. I wanted it to be sad at moments. I wanted it to really drive the emotion in whatever moment that was throughout the film. I wanted kids to really enjoy it. I wanted adults to enjoy it. I wanted the music to get on the radio."
Also starring Jennifer Lopez, "Home" opens in U.S. theaters on March 27