1) Fourth estate
-President Nixon did not count on the fourth estate keeping his power in check and investigating his wiretapping
-The fourth estate convinced the public that the war in South East Asia was unwinnable
-Some think the fourth estate is bias against the American police force
Definition: Imply in government there is usually an executive, a legislature and a judiciary. So the fourth estate is the media, or something else. A check and balance system. May also refer to any check and balance, like the Queen
Etymology: the earliest use in this sense described by Thomas Carlyle in his book On Heroes and Hero Worship: "Burke said there were Three Estates in Parliament; but, in the Reporters' Gallery yonder, there sat a Fourth Estate
2) So psyched
-I am so psyched to you after so many years.
-The children were so psyched they were allowed to adopt a cat
-I am so psyched about the party tonight.
Definition: To be excited or pumped up about something.
Etymology: To put into the right psychological frame of mind:
3) Out fox
-Don't get outfoxed by that femme fatale, she will seduce you and leave you in ruin
-The General did not want to admit he got outfoxed by his enemy
-The entire House of Cards is about Frank outfoxing people
Definition: outsmart or outmanuver
Etymology: foxes are considered cunning