"lock step"是什么意思?

"lock step"是什么意思?

2015-04-10    08'13''

主播: 英语直播间

1950 142

1) On a roll -The economy was on a roll during the 1990 Dot.com boom -Gerald was on a roll in bowling and just got a turkey -Bert was on a roll and just won a thousand dollars on a game show Definition: Undergoing or experiencing sustained, even increasing good fortune or success: 2) Scapegoat -Dutch anarchist Van Der Lubbe was scapegoated by the Nazis for setting the German Parliament on fire. -In the 1600's, American society scapegoated young girls with witchcraft for a sickness that was probably encephalitis . -Black cats were scapegoated for spreading the Black Plague Definition: The word now refers to someone who is unfairly blamed by others for problems Etymology: In ancient Greece a cripple or beggar or criminal (the pharmakos) was cast out of the community, either in response to a natural disaster (such as a plague, famine or an invasion) or in 3) Lock step -The country of Randomistan voted in lock step with their ally Happyslavia in the United Nations General Assembly -Alvin's belief are not in lock step with reality -Jeremy acted in lock step with his boss Definition: The slavish copying of one person's actions by another; as, party members who vote in lockstep with the leadership. Etymology: A mode of marching by a body of men going one after another as closely as possible, in which the leg of each moves at the same time with the corresponding leg of the person before him.