The Earth Day (or world Earth day) is an international event celebrated in over 191 countries around the world. It focuses specifically on environmental protection and key events relating to this.
1) When was the first Earth Day celebrated??
A) March 21, 1970
B) April 22, 1970
C) May 21, 1970
D) June 22, 1970
2) The first earth day was held in 1970 in the United States, which part of the US was it held in?
a) Washington
b) New York
c) Miami
d) San Francisco
3) Earth day in 1990 was especially successful and help pave the way for the 1992 United Nations Earth Summit. Which particular issue was addressed on Earth Day 1990?
a) Global Warming
b) Air pollution
c) Recycling
d) Littering
4) Where was the first major international conference on environmental issues??
A. America
B. Britain
C. China
D. Sweden
5) A highlight of the annual Earth Day ceremony at the United Nations is the ringing of the Peace Bell. The Peace Bell was a gift from what country?
A) France
B) Japan
C) Sweden
D) United States
6) Where was Greenpeace, an international environmental organization dedicated to preserving the earth's natural resources and its diverse plant and animal life, founded??
A. Canada
B. Great Britain
C. Australia
D. Indonesia