David vs Goliath
-In a David vs Goliath contest, the older runner, Michael Johnson beat his younger opponents.
-The much smaller boxer won a David vs Goliath contest against his hulking opponent.
-The small coffee shop won a David vs Goliath contest in staying in business over Starbucks.
Definition: against all the odds
Etymology: The story of David vs Goliath, is where a Jewish army and a Philistine army are separated by the Valley of Elah. Since neither side wants to enter the valley and get slaughtered, they each decide to send one man. the Philistines send Goliath, a lumbering giant who requires an attendant and cannot see properly. David is selected from the Jews, he is fast and good with a sling. And easily defeats Goliath who, modern archeologists suggest is suffering from Agro-megli.
No frills
-Ryanair is a no frills airline.
-We booked a no frills motel at the last minute.
-The supermarket is no frills, so they are shortstaffed, and we often have to wait in line.
Definition: cheap, no added luxuries.
Etymology: frills means embellishment
Go overboard
-Amy went overboard hiring the most expensive caterer for her party.
-The car makers seemed to have gone overboard sacrificing speed for aesthetics.
-It is good to discuss business during dinner, but don&`&t go overboard and show them charts while they eat.
Definition: to do too much; to be extravagant.
Etymology: based on the literal meaning of go overboard (to fall over a ship&`&s side)