-Tony gave the driver who stole his parking space a stink-eye.
-After the President slashed his employees wages, they all gave him the stink-eye.
-Sonia gave her sister-in-law Rachel, whom she hated, the stink-eye.
Definition: dirty look
Etymology: or furry eye-ball. Hawaiin slang
Run for their money
-I think only Arsenal FC will give Chelsea FC a run for their money next season.
-Dave was a very good impersonator and could give any professional actor a run for their money.
-The young man gave the old granny a run for her money when they were playing mah jong.
Definition: to compete very strongly against someone who is expected to win a competition
Etymology: To want a run for your money is to want a horse that you have placed a bet on to participate in the race. Sometimes a horse is withdrawn from a race after bettors have already placed money on it; those bettors did not get a run for their money.
Best food forward
-Eddie had to put his best foot forward on the first date, so he wore his expensive watch.
-Gary had to put his best foot forward during the job interview, so he got a haircut.
-Put your best foot forward for tonight&`&s performance.
Definition: to try to make a good impression
Etymology: Shakespeare,, used a &`&proper&`& form of the expression in King John, 1595 :
"Nay, but make haste; the better foot before."