

2015-06-28    08'11''

主播: 英语直播间

1573 191

1)Bona fide -My mother went to Christie's to make sure the painting in grandma's attack was a bona fide ancient Chinese painting -The French Resistance had special hand gestures to identify other bona fide resistance members -Clara did not want any tricks, she only wanted a bona fide offer for the house Definition: they are who they say they are Etymology: in Latin, Bona means good, and Fide means faith 2)Come out of the closet -It's time Hilary Clinton came out of the closet, and disclose why she had secret emails. -Terry came out of the closet so his mother would stop asking him why he wasn't married. -We are trying to take the issue of child abduction out of the closet Definition: to appear publicly as a homosexual; . (The phrase has many nonsexual metaphorical meanings. Etymology: The phrase was borrowed from the world of debutante balls, where young women "came out" in being officially introduced to society. and closet was a metaphor for secret 3)Rubber stamp -Hitler had a rubber stamp parliament that didnt question his erratic decisions. -The principal wont simply rubber stamp a pay rise for teachers -The senile grandpa rubber stamped a will written and favored a greedy daughter Definition: person or institution with considerable de jure power but little de facto power; one that rarely disagrees with more powerful organs. Etymology: If someone official has examined a document, they often put a special mark on it using a rubber stamp