"going ape"是什么意思?

"going ape"是什么意思?

2015-07-06    08'32''

主播: 英语直播间

961 133

1) Moral compass -The bankers that caused the financial crisis need to regain a moral compass. -Luke was useful to his boss, because he lacked a moral compass and could schmooze clients. -Perhaps one reason China and other nations are starting classes in classics, is that ancient philosophers and heroes serve as a moral compass in the present. Definition: a natural feeling that makes people do the right thing Etymology: based on morals and , the instrument of a compass 2) Going ape -Japanese women are going ape after the handsome gorilla in a zoo -The audience went ape over the band. -Gavin is going ape over Becka. Definition: to become very excited over something Etymology: It fancifully equates frenzy with an ape's behavior. 3) When hell freezes over -No matter how hard Obama campaigns, America will only get stricter gun control laws when hell freezes over. -The couple will only get back together when hell freezes over. -The day the bully gets straight A's is the day hell freezes over. Definition: something impossible Etymology: based on the idea that hell (a very hot place )can never freeze