

2015-08-27    18'05''

主播: 英语直播间

2918 123

1) In an official long distance race, what are the commands? a) On your mark get set *bang* b) On your mark get set go c) On your mark *bang* d) Go 2) How many hurdles are in a standard hurdles race? a) 7 b) 8 c) 9 d) 10 3) How high are the hurdles in the men's 110 meter? a) 21 inches b) 36 inches c) 42 inches d) 57 inches 4) What is the maximum allowable wind speed for a new running record to count? a) +1.0 m/s b) +2.0 m/s c) +4.0m/s d) wind speed is not important 5) Any reaction time faster than how much is considered to be a false start? a) 0.100 second b) half a second c) 0. 001 second d) 1 second 6) How long is one lap around an indoor standard track? a) 100 meters b) 200 meters c) 400 meters d) 500 meters