什么样的人被叫做"the boy/girl nextdoor"?

什么样的人被叫做"the boy/girl nextdoor"?

2015-09-09    09'09''

主播: 英语直播间

4426 196

1)Raise the stakes -The employees who lost their pension raised the stakes by taking the company to court -Roger raised the stakes on the film he was producing by footing more of his own money. -SpaceX raised the stakes by funneling yet more money into their troubled rocket program. Definition:To increase one&`&s commitment or involvement. Etymology: from gambling 2) The girl/boy next door -Mrs. Roxy refused to make up with her busband until the boy next door went to the moon. -We had no idea the girl next door was a movie star. -Mrs. Adams wanted her son to marry a girl next door instead of a high maintenance model. Definition: used to describe someone who is completely ordinary, not rich or famous. 3) Blow-by-blow account -The reporters wanted a blow-by-blow account of how the waiter poured hot water on a customer. -King Robert wanted to hear a blow-by-blow account of the fight between Jeffrey and Arya. -The lawyer got the witness to give a blow-by-blow account of the crime. Definition: a detailed description of an event. Etymology: This referred originally to reporting on boxing