什么样的人被称为“the salt of the earth"?

什么样的人被称为“the salt of the earth"?

2015-09-20    09'36''

主播: 英语直播间

4210 218

1. The third degree -If I'm even half an hour late, my boss would give me the third degree. -After Tom broke up with Lily, she called him everyday and asked questions. Tom felt like he was getting the third degree. -I got the third degree from my dad when I got home after midnight last night. Definition: a situation in which someone tries to find out information by asking you a lot of questions/close interrogation Etymology: from freemasonry: the intensive test to become a master mason "In Masonic lodges there are three degrees of membership; the first is called Entered Apprentice, the second Fellowcraft, and the third is master mason. When a candidate receives the third degree in a Masonic lodge, he is subjected to some activities that involve an interrogation and it is more physically challenging than the first two degrees. It is this interrogation that was the source of the name of the US police force's interrogation technique." 2. The salt of the earth -Mrs. Jones is the salt of the earth. She is the first to help anyone in trouble. -Frank's mother is the salt of the earth. She has five children of her own and yet fosters three others. -The special education teachers are the salt of the earth since they work with people who are often marginalized by society. Definition: the most worthy of people; a very good or worth person Etymology: from the Bible:Matthew 5:13 You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to trodden under foot of men. 3. Living off the fat of the land -Under capitalism, the wealthy live off the fat of the land. -After winning the lottery, Annie is living off the fat of the land. -Ever since Jerry's company declared bankruptcy, his family can no longer live off the fat of the land. Definition: Living well; fed by abundant crops Etymology: In the 16th century, "the fat" meant the richest, choicest part of something. First citation found in the Bible: "And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Say unto thy brethren-take your father and your households, and come unto me: and I will give you the good of the land of Egypt, and ye shall eat the fat of the land."