Career Builder: 什么样的人可以被称为talent?

Career Builder: 什么样的人可以被称为talent?

2016-03-12    22'46''

主播: 英语直播间

2525 151

Topic – What is a rising star? What does Talent truly mean? In a competitive market for white-collar workers in China's Eastern Coastal cities and now second and third tier cities, we hear a lot about the word 'talent'. Talent, in the vernacular of the white-collar masses is casually taken to mean people who are very good at their jobs. We hear a lot of phrases like "Discovering Talent" "Asia Talent Conference" etc. However in truth, when people use the word talent in this casual way, what they are really referring to is 'above-average'. Today in the studio we will be discussing the nature and characteristics of exceptional talent.