Mozart, the genius whose magnificent music captures human condition and multi-layered emotions, swayed the artists of his time and continues to influence us even today.
However, as history always favours its creator rather than its muse, when people adore this prolific composer, few recognize the impact of the Weber sisters, who were deeply rooted in both Mozart's life and musical career.
French soloist Sabine Devielhe voices her opinion.
"Mozart had once knocked at the door of Fridolin Weber, who was copying music for him. When this door opened, the entire life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart changed forever. He met four girls. In these four girls, three of them were singers. He desperately fell in love with Aloysia. He (also) developed a really important professional relationship with Josepha, whom he wrote for Queen of the Night. And he finally married Constanze. So for us and for me especially, as a soprano, it's very moving to meet the Weber sisters and the man who was behind the music that we know from Mozart, to find (how) this man fell in love with those women and their voices. "
In this year's Croisements Festival, the largest overseas cultural extravaganza of France, Devielhe accompanied by the Pygmalion Ensemble comes to China for the opening concert.
According to this award-winning soprano, their performance is going to highlight the relationship of Mozart and the Weber sisters, one of the most complicated personal entanglements in musical history.
"In the concert, it's more (like) to give one hour and a half of pure theatre and of all the lightness and drama we can find in Mozart music. Through the music he wrote for the Weber sisters and the music he wrote when he was meeting them, through those ten years of his life, we are presenting variations and all the colours of Mozart music. "
Although the concert is focused on Mozart recital, the repertoire will cover different forms of Mozartian expressions, including concert arias, violin concertos and symphony excerpts.
According to Raphael Pichon, the conductor and helm of the Pygmalion Ensemble, to recreate the authentic voices of the Classical Period, they even brought restored and replicated instruments of that era.
"We try to get the right timber, right sound, right colour for each different repertoire. So we try to use the original instruments to come back to the original colours. It's bit like painting. Our aim is not to have the perfect sound, (but) to have a very alive sound. "
Named as Mozart and the Weber Sisters, the concert will raise its curtain in Beijing on April 29th and then stage in Shenzhen and Hong Kong in early May.