"face the music"是什么情况?

"face the music"是什么情况?

2016-05-06    25'00''

主播: 英语直播间

5992 160

1)Bore Fruit -Alfred's many experiments bore fruit when he finally invented dynamite. -Scott's tenacity in football bore fruit when he scored a goal. -Grace's hard work on studying bore fruit when she got accepted into her reach school. Definition: To succeed in some task. Etymology: Derived from trees or plants bearing fruit; figuratively in relation to any attempted task. 2)Face the music -After Dennis spent two months drinking and smoking, he had to face the music that his health was deteriorating. -After Rick's company lost money, he had to face the music and sell the company. -After playing the trumpet for 3 years and not improving, Brian had to face the music and quit. Definition: Face the responsibility of bad decisions. Etymology: It comes from an American Civil War military ceremony where an officer that is about to be dishonorably discharged is literally drummed out. 3)Segue into -Many Christian rock or country stars segue into mainstream pop. -Peter used his conversation on the environment to segue into a discussion on electric vehicles. -Brad Pitt used this dialogue to segue into the next scene. Definition: To transition to Etymology: The correct usage was actually segue, which apparently comes by the Italian seguire, meaning "to follow. I had little doubt that the use of segway was substantially bolstered by the hype and general pop-cultural awareness of Dean Kamen's famous invention.