"knock on wood"到底是要干嘛?

"knock on wood"到底是要干嘛?

2016-06-29    25'01''

主播: 英语直播间

939 95

1). Fall into one's lap -The opportunity to work at the big company fell into Joyce's lap. -The opportunity fell on to Bayern Munich's lap to win the competition, since the Final game was held in their stadium. -The opportunity to cover a big story fell into the lap of the junior reporter after a comet hit his neighbors' house. Definition: Something good happens to you without any effort on your part Etymology: The phrase implies you are sitting, which emphasizes how little effort you made. Other examples: A. The chance to cover the World Cup fell into his lap since the designated sport reporter got sick. B. After the cultural revolution, a big inheritance from his distant Hong Kong relative fell into the underdog's lap. Life is so unpredictable! 2). Knock on wood -No one in my family ever had a terminal illness. Knock on wood. -I'm sure I will get that job at Google. Knock on wood. -An employee working on the Titanic probably said, "God himself could not sink this ship. Knock on wood." Definition: It is based on the superstition that you can avoid bad luck by knocking on wood. Etymology: "Knocking on wood" referred to people who spoke of secrets. These people went into the isolated woods to talk privately and "knocked" on the trees when they were talking to hide their communication from evil. Eventually the term came to mean knocking on wood to state they wanted to avoid tempting fate. It is often used when making a boast or a declaration of one's own life beyond their control. Other examples: A. The mother asked her son, "If you fail the job interview again, are you still going to live on us? Oh, I didn't mean it. Knock on wood." B. In divorce, I think you are at a disadvantageous position in the assets settlement. Knock on wood! I still wish you get what you want.