"dial it back"跟打电话有关吗?

"dial it back"跟打电话有关吗?

2016-08-09    25'00''

主播: 英语直播间

1221 101

1)Slippery slope -The governor vetoed a bill that would have allowed R-rated movies in cinemas, citing a slippery slope. -Vincent did not want his family lending money to their poor neighbors, saying it would lead to a slippery slope where they would be dependent. -Lawmakers in America were uncomfortable with legalizing the gateway drug marijuana, since they thought it would lead to a slippery slope. Definition: A slippery slope argument states that a relatively small first step leads to a chain of related events culminating in some significant effect. Etymology: Refers to how an object given a small push over the edge of a slope slides all the way to the bottom. Other examples: A. The young couple has agreed not to allow their pet dog to enter the bedroom. However one day, the husband broke the rule and allowed the dog in bed for a little while. This is a slippery slope, now the dog wants to get in their bed every night. B. You can't help lazy people by giving them food and cash. It's a slippery slope and they will expect more from you and become even lazier. The best thing is to give them skills and they can earn a living from that. 2) Dial it back -Nathan was told to dial back his flamboyant personality when he went to a religious ceremony. -When Greg got angry his friend told him to dial it back. -It was hot in my home, so I dialed back the heating system. Definition: To reduce in strength or intensity. Etymology: Refers to temperature dials. Other examples: A. Summer vacation is over. Children, you need to dial it back and start to focus on studying. B. One thing is true about raising or improving one's living standard: once it has been raised, it's hard to dial back.