"chickens come home to roost"是什么意思?

"chickens come home to roost"是什么意思?

2016-08-15    25'00''

主播: 英语直播间

963 95

1) Lock horns -Abigail wanted to settle the dispute peacefully, and didn't want her room mates locking horns. -Nathan locked horns with his uncle on the issue of gun control. -Maria locked horns with Kelly on what the company's advertisement should contain. Definition: Get into an argument with someone. Etymology: This expression alludes to how stags and bulls use their horns to fight one another. Examples: A. The most scary thing for a child to watch is to see his or her parents locking horns over trivial things. B. Instead of locking horns, the two scientists decided to forget about their old scars and cooperate on a new project. 2) Chickens come home to roost -Sara did the bare minimum for her pilot training program since she expected her father to pull strings for her. However the chickens came home to roost when she flunked out. -The chickens came home to roost for the boy who cried wolf. -The chickens came home to roost for the board members of Enron who shut off California power plants on the hottest days to increase the price of energy. Definition: You have to face the consequences of your mistakes or bad deeds. Etymology: The fact that chickens usually come home to rest and sleep has long been known, but the idea was used figuratively only in 1809. It began when Robert Southey wrote, "Curses are like young chickens, they always come home to roost." Examples: A. How I wish the chickens will come home to roost for those evil people who commit so many crimes! B. The chickens finally came home to roost when the murderer was recognized by people at a public venue in a foreign country. He was arrested 20 years after he killed his best friend for money.