

2016-10-04    24'58''

主播: 英语直播间

1202 110

Today we are talking about Chinese people&`&s superstition and Feng Shui. Today we are talking about the craziest beliefs that effect Chinese people. Some may have some rationale, some may be helpful hints, whereas some are downright crazy. Dating and marriage: -Only men who think their girlfriend is cheating on them can wear a green hat. -Chinese girls will avoid drinking anything cold… Why, because it will hurt their reproductive organs. -Being around dark skinned people or drinking lots of coffee when you are pregnant will make your baby dark-skinned. But drinking alcohol ensures your baby will be fair-skinned. -Don&`&t be a bridesmaid more than three times. Otherwise you will never find a husband. Do you guys have any other superstitions from dating or marriage? I think Sam said we can&`&t give gifts of shoes to girls. Money: -Don&`&t shake your leg. My Chinese teacher said that doing so will make men lose their money. And women who shake their leg will become a "whore". Any other ways of ensuring we keep "winning, winning, winning. We are going to be so sick of winning" Eating: -You must finish your rice. If you don&`&t your future spouse will have black spots. -Never place your chopsticks erect in a bowl of rice. This is how ancestors are offered food. -When you tap for more tea. Do not tap three times, that will invite spirits. Tap twice, or tap more than three times. Am I missing any other rules of etiquette? Ghosts: -The Line 2 railway closes so early because it is haunted. After the government dismantled the city walls in the 60s and 70s to make the second ring road, they disturbed many graves. The last train leaves at 11. But if you are lucky you can catch a glimpse of the extra empty train that runs at 11:10 to put all the disturbed spirits back into their place. Psych! -If your family is experiencing bad luck, it&`&s because some random dead relative has not been visited in a very long time. I actually visited the graves of my dad&`&s mom&`&s ancestors and they were covered in weeds. So that happened. Have you guys seen ghosts? Death: -I would strongly recommend avoiding fortune tellers. Either they are lying to you or they could be legit. But my grandma who passed away at the age of 85 used to go to a fortune teller. Who oddly said, today I will only reveal your fortune up to the age of 85. Another family friend had a fortune teller tell him he would die of starvation. He later died of esophagus cancer. Most of the time psychics are con-artists. -"Oh I see something, someone you just met. I think their name begins with a J. -"Idiot says, "Oh my girlfriend&`&s name is Judy." "Yes Judy. That will be 60 dollars please." -Never give someone a clock as a present. This translates to "song zhong", or you are going to die. Hence, giving watches as gifts are acceptable. Have you guys ever tried fortune tellers? Did they say anything eerie? -Actually they say dragon is a good year to have a baby, but they are wrong. Out of the 12 animals, the dragon is considered the gate to heaven, so there are more casualties.In the dragon year we had the Tangshan earthquake. It only sounds good, sounds better than year of the rat. In the zodiac, dragon is gate to heaven, dog is gate to hell. The dragon hour is 7-9 AM. We had the tsunami, 911 attacks. The hour of the dog is 7-9PM, we had the Manila massacre, greatly affecting HK people. Psych. Sam are you rethinking when you want your future child to be born When it comes to superstition, I feel Chinese girls are very into the Greek Zodiac. Housing: -People buying new property should bring a baby, because babies are more sensitive to ghosts. If you bring a baby to house-hunting, s/he will cry if there are evil spirits around. -The best way to position your bed is East-West. So if you want a cheap house make sure to bring a crying baby with you. Feng Shui -Never build a business that directly faces a T-intersection. All of your customers will see car lights while they eat. How uncomfortable. -When you build a building on a slope. Make sure the entrance does not face the mountain. This will give the impression that the building has a good support behind it, as opposed to precariously falling down. -This is hard in Beijing due to the grid system, but set up your business where there are winding roads, this means energy will flow more slowly around you. Also ghosts like straight roads, so zig-zags or curves are better. -Reduce the number of sharp edges in a building. Therefore, the world&`&s most unlucky building should be the Bank of China Tower in Hong Kong. Thank you "I am Pay", The Chinese super-cent-anarian that is sooo old, when he was in history class, he just wrote down what he was doing. -In fact the bank of China building, which was completed in 1984, has one sharp point directed at the Hong Kong Governor&`&s House. Two years later, British Governor Edward Youde died of a heart attack. Youde is best known for negotiating on behalf of Margaret Thatcher on the Sino-British Joint Declaration. -To counter-act the bad feng shui, the Bank of China Tower put an "Earth element" to counteract the "fire element" represented by the sharp corners. So they put some flag poles in front of the tower. -When you buy a house, make sure there are no pointy edges from other buildings facing your house…or just make sure I.M Pei doesn&`&t live next door. -When you buy property, make sure you buy the house that is on the inside of the road curve, or water curve. The outer side is bad luck, because it feels like you are on the receiving end of a bow shooting an arrow. Hence, Wan Chai was always considered bad luck, until they built the HK convention Center to counter-act it. A property must have shelter from the elements, if it faces endless ocean it is not good. But if it sheltered by an island, it is fine. -HSBC bank in Hong Kong is quite lucky, because the traffic (or qi) flow is quite slow in front of it. Hurray for traffic. -Please don&`&t fill up Hong Kong harbor, then all the feng shui in Hong Kong will die.&``& -Casinos in Macau always make sure they make good luck enter from the main entrance, and bad luck exits from the back entrance. To cheat the system, enter casinos through the side door. -You wanna know who uses Feng Shui. Donald Trump. He even said "I don&`&t&`& believe in Feng Shui but I use it because it makes me money". And he doesn&`&t lie…. -But do not get fooled by fake Feng Shui practitioners, the Hong Kong scandal of widowed billionaire Nina Wang and her feng shui confidante and lover, Tony Chan, is well known. Chan actually knew little about feng shui. He was a con-man who wanted to inherit the money from Nina Wang&`&s murdered husband Teddy Wang.He can actually deterred people from seeking Feng Shui advice.