1. Jordan decided not to date Joyce since she was too nitpicky.
2. Allen hated how his boss always nitpicked on the smallest detail.
3. Craig nitpicked on the near perfect buffet.
Definition: To be excessively concerned with or critical of inconsequential details. It also relates to making petty criticism
Etymology: Refers to picking of the eggs of lice from hair.
Other examples:
A. No matter how hard she tried to clean her room, her mom would always nitpick and find unclean spots.
B. Boss, don't nitpick me! It's simply unfair! I have done so many things and of course those who do not work will never make mistakes.
1. Few people want to know the nitty-gritty of making a sausage.
2. Let's get down to the nitty-gritty of signing this peace treaty.
3. The nitty-gritty of the Republican Party is that they are socially conservative, want smaller government and want free trade.
Definition: The basics facts of a situation.
Etymology: Grit is someone's personality trait which is courageous and determinded. Nit is just a rhyme of grit.
Other examples:
A. The nitty-gritty is never pleasant to ear. Do you seriously want to hear it?
B. Investigative journalists tried every means and ways to discover the nitty-gritty of the criminal gang's operations.
Rub shoulders
1. Jamie pretended to be an actor on the red carpet in order to rub shoulders with Taylor Swift.
2. Niall wanted the White House internship in 2000 to rub shoulders with Hilary Clinton.
3. Being a translator offers people the chance to rub shoulders with business people from overseas.
Definition: To spend time with famous people
Etymology: To literally rub shoulders with someone.
Other examples:
A. It's so obvious that he lingers in office every day in order to catch the big fish to rub shoulders with.
B. I know that we all need networking to a certain extent. But I always feel awkward when rubbing shoulders with strangers.