克服节后综合征,你需要best foot forward!

克服节后综合征,你需要best foot forward!

2017-02-03    10'11''

主播: 英语直播间

2565 91

Best foot forward -Eddie had to put his best foot forward on the first date, so he wore his expensive watch. -Gary had to put his best foot forward during the job interview, so he got a haircut. -Put your best foot forward for tonight's performance. Definition: To try to make a good impression. Etymology: Shakespeare, used the term in King John by saying, "Nay, but make haste; the better foot before." Other examples: 1. We always say that we should not judge people by appearance! But please put your best foot forward and dress up. The first impression is so important. 2. When you visit the in-laws for the first time, you simply have to put your best foot forward.