Squad Goals
- Look at all those people dancing together; squad goals.
-All of them are wearing the same shirt! Squad goals!
- Look at all of them driving in a luxury vehicles. Squad goals!
Meaning; An aspirational term for what you&`&d like your group of friends to be or accomplish.
Origin: The term derives from the term squadron, which is historically an army cavalry unit. In March 24, 2004, Urban Dictionary user Greenie submitted a definition for squad defining it as "an informal group of individuals with a common identity and a sense of solidarity. "Adding "goals" to it is a recent internet phenomenon.
Other examples:
1. How I wish I can go out with my classmates again. We used to do things in a childish way. That&`&s what we were interested in. Squad goals.
2. In many Chinese cities, especially in summer, many people will be dancing in the squares; Squad goals.