

2017-07-06    21'47''

主播: 英语直播间

1350 51

The telelgraph has recently released 50 tips to staying young; these tips include ways to stay look younger and stay healthier. Today our team is going to go through list and offer our two cents on how to stay young. 1. Probiotics Science is finally catching up with the importance of gut health. For optimal gut flora, eat fermented foodstuffs, such as yoghurt, kefir, and sauerkraut, and use probiotic supplements. 2. Ice baths – after the gym, helps with blood circulation 4. Meditation – calms the mind 5. Positive thoughts 6. De-stressing 7. Me time 8. Walking – exercise, relaxing and exposure to the sun 9. Yoga 10. Savasana – a specific yoga pose that lets the body recharge. 11. Strength training 12. Turmeric – helps with inflammation, depression, arthritis and diabetes 13. Leafy greens 14. Cayenne pepper – weight loss and migraines 15. Avoid inflammatory foods – dairy 16. Vitamin D 17. Massage 18. Goal-setting 19. Cuddle 20. Longer hugging 21. Nature 22. Taking time off stress 23. Read 24. Facial exercises 25. Mindful eating 26. Mindful breathing – taking deep breaths that expand the diaphragm 27. Cardio 28. Good fats 29. Have a hobby 30. Avoid alcohol 31. Cryotherapy – a cold sauna 32. Nuts – helps with weight loss, protein and nutrients 33. Pomegranates – full of vitamin, irons and anti-oxidants 34. Green tea 35. Coffee 36. Vitamin C 37. Mind puzzles 38. Avoid sugar 39. Sleep 40. Bedtime routine 41. Maintain good posture 42. Confidence 43. Social life 44. Give – charity 45. Avoid smoking 46. Too much sun exposure 47. Vitamin Bs 48. Stay hydrated 49. Colourful foods 50. intimacy