Dear listeners, what you are hearing is a song by Chinese singer Li Jian. The first line goes like this: taking a look at you for a split second, I&`&ll never forget your face.
Well, the lyrics might be an exaggeration. But it&`&s true that some of us could remember a face for years, no matter how brief the encounter was. Some scientists call them as super recognizers.
But for the rest of us, sometimes, it&`&s not an easy task to place a name to a face.
But why are some people so terrible at faces whereas others are exceptionally good? How can we tell apart the faces of loved ones from that of a complete stranger? And most important of all, are we programmed to distinguish faces?
To find out the answers, in today&`&s Ink&Quill, our reporter Shiyu goes to cognitive psychologist Hua Sha(华沙). His popular science book "Kan Lian"(看脸), literarily meaning "Read the Face" in English, was selected by China Book Review Society as the Best Book of the Month in November, 2016.
The topics they discuss include but are not limited to:
1. What is the so-called "face blindness"?
2. Is judging others by appearance a human instinct?
3. Can our pets detect our emotions?
4. What kind of person are regarded as being attractive?
5. Is the TV show "Lie to Me" scientifically accurate?
And much, much more!