

2017-08-16    07'21''

主播: 英语直播间

574 26

Topic 3: Relief at rest stations for outdoor workers >>>>>>By the end of this month, Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions will launch 93 rest stations for outdoor workers, where they can rest, refill water bottles and charge phones. The station provides seats, tables, a fridge containing water, a microwave to heat meals and a medical kit. In addition, there are mobile phone chargers and an electric bike charger. The station has arranged with a nearby stadium for workers to be able to use its toilets. "I usually sit in the janitors' room in the nearby stadium as they provide water for us," said a sanitation worker, Ji Yahong, 45. "But the janitors also have to work in the small space." Talking points: 1. The working condition of the current outdoor workers.