151121 经典文学《简·爱》第30期

151121 经典文学《简·爱》第30期

2015-11-21    03'11''

主播: Fred英语笔记

12181 556

"This is the state of things I quite approve," returned Mrs. Reed "这种状况我十分赞赏,"里德太太回答道。 "Had I sought all England over, I could scarcely have found a system more exactly fitting a child like Jane Eyre. "就是找遍整个英国,也很难找到一个更适合像简·爱这样孩子呆的机构了。 Consistency, my dear Mr. Brocklehurst, I advocate consistency in all things." 韧性,我亲爱的布罗克赫斯特先生,我主张干什么都要有韧性。" "Consistency, madam, is the first of Christian duties. "夫人,韧性是基督徒的首要职责。 And it has been observed in every arrangement connected with the establishment of Lowood: 它贯串于罗沃德学校的一切安排之中: plain fare, simple attire, unsophisticated accommodations, hardy and active habits. 吃得简单,穿得朴实,住得随便,养成吃苦耐劳、做事巴结的习惯。 Such is the order of the day in the house and its inhabitants." 在学校里,在寄宿者中间,这一切都已蔚然成风。" "Quite right, sir. I may then depend upon this child being received as a pupil at Lowood, "说得很对,先生。那我可以相信这孩子已被罗沃德学校收为学生, and there being trained in conformity to her position and prospects?" 并根据她的地位和前途加以训导了,是吗?" "Madam, you may. She shall be placed in that nursery of chosen plants, "太太、你可以这么说。她将被放在培植精选花草的苗圃里, and I trust she will show herself grateful for the inestimable privilege of her election." 我相信她会因为无比荣幸地被选中而感激涕零的。" "I will send her, then, as soon as possible, Mr. Brocklehurst. "既然这样,我会尽快送她来的,布罗克赫斯特先生。 For, I assure you, I feel anxious to be relieved of a responsibility that was becoming too irksome." 因为说实在,我急于开卸掉这付令人厌烦的担子呢。" "No doubt, no doubt, madam, and now I wish you good morning. "的确,的确是这样,太太。现在我就向你告辞了。 I shall return to Brocklehurst Hall in the course of a week or two. 一两周之后我才回到布罗克赫斯特府去。 My good friend, the Archdeacon, will not permit me to leave him sooner. 我的好朋友一位副主教不让我早走。 I shall send Miss Temple notice that she is to expect a new girl, so that there will be no difficulty about receiving her. Good-bye." 我会通知坦普尔小姐,一位新来的姑娘要到。这样,接待她也不会有什么困难了。再见。" "Good-bye, Mr. Brocklehurst; remember me to Mrs. and Miss Brocklehurst, and to Augusta and Theodore, and Master Broughton Brocklehurst." "再见,布罗克赫斯特先生。请向布罗克赫斯特太太和小姐,向奥古斯塔、西奥多和布劳顿·布罗克赫斯特少爷问好。" "I will, madam. Little girl, here is a book entitled the 'Child's Guide,' read it with prayer, "一定,太太。小姑娘,这里有本书,题目叫《儿童指南》,祷告后再读, especially that part containing 'An account of the awfully sudden death of Martha G —, a naughty child addicted to falsehood and deceit.' " 尤其要注意那个部分,说的是‘一个满口谎言、欺骗成性的淘气鬼,玛莎·格××暴死的经过’。" With these words Mr. Brocklehurst put into my hand a thin pamphlet sewn in a cover, and having rung for his carriage, he departed. 说完,布罗克赫斯特先生把一本装有封皮的薄薄小册子塞进我手里,打铃让人备好马车,便离去了。 Mrs. Reed and I were left alone. 房间里只剩下了里德太太和我。 Some minutes passed in silence; she was sewing, I was watching her. 在沉默中过了几分钟。她在做针钱活,我在打量着她。 Mrs. Reed might be at that time some six or seven and thirty. 当时里德太太也许才三十六七岁光景。 She was a woman of robust frame, square-shouldered and strong-limbed, not tall, and, though stout, not obese. 她是个体魄强健的女人,肩膀宽阔,四肢结实,个子不高,身体粗壮但并不肥胖。 She had a somewhat large face, the under jaw being much developed and very solid. 她的脸很大,下巴下发达得多, Her brow was low, her chin large and prominent, mouth and nose sufficiently regular. 她的眉毛很低,下巴又大又突出,嘴巴和鼻子倒是十分匀称的。 Under her light eyebrows glimmered an eye devoid of ruth. 在她浅色的眉毛下,闪动着一双没有同情心的眼睛。 Her skin was dark and opaque, her hair nearly flaxen. 她的皮肤黝黑而灰暗,头发近乎亚麻色。 Her constitution was sound as a bell. Illness never came near her. 她的体格很好,疾病从不染身。 She was an exact, clever manager. 她是一位精明干练的总管。 Her household and tenantry were thoroughly under her control. 家庭和租赁的产业都由她一手控制。 Her children only at times defied her authority and laughed it to scorn. 只有她的孩子间或蔑视她的权威,嗤之以鼻。 She dressed well, and had a presence and port calculated to set off handsome attire. 她穿着讲究,她的风度和举止有助于衬托出她漂亮的服饰。