151205 经典文学《简·爱》第37期

151205 经典文学《简·爱》第37期

2015-12-05    02'27''

主播: Fred英语笔记

12069 471

The coach drew up; there it was at the gates with its four horses and its top laden with passengers. 马车停了下来,就在大门口,由四匹马拖着,车顶上坐满了乘客。 The guard and coachman loudly urged haste. 车夫和护车的大声催促我快些上车。 My trunk was hoisted up. 我的箱子给递了上去。 I was taken from Bessie's neck, to which I clung with kisses. 我自己则从贝茜的脖子上被拖下来带走,因为我正贴着她脖子亲吻呢。 “Be sure and take good care of her,” cried she to the guard, as he lifted me into the inside. “千万好好照应她呀,”护车人把我提起来放进车里时,贝茜对他说。 “Ay, ay!” was the answer. “行啊,行啊!”那人回答。 The door was slapped to, a voice exclaimed “All right,” and on we drove. 车门关上了,“好啦,”一声大叫,我们便上路了。 Thus was I severed from Bessie and Gateshead. 就这样我告别了贝茜和盖茨黑德。 Thus whirled away to unknown, and, as I then deemed, remote and mysterious regions. 一阵风似地被卷往陌生的、当时看来遥远和神秘的地方。 I remember but little of the journey. 一路行程,我已记得不多。 I only know that the day seemed to me of a preternatural length, and that we appeared to travel over hundreds of miles of road. 只知道那天长得出奇,而且似乎赶了几百里路。 We passed through several towns, and in one, a very large one, the coach stopped. 我们经过几个城镇,在其中很大的一个停了下来。 The horses were taken out, and the passengers alighted to dine. 车夫卸了马,让乘客们下车吃饭。 I was carried into an inn, where the guard wanted me to have some dinner. 我被带进一家客找,护车人要我吃些中饭。 But, as I had no appetite, he left me in an immense room with a fireplace at each end, 我却没有胃口,他便扔下我走了,让我留在—个巨大无比的房间里,房间的两头都有一个火炉, a chandelier pendent from the ceiling, and a little red gallery high up against the wall filled with musical instruments. 天花板上悬挂着一盏枝形吊灯,高高的墙上有一个小小的红色陈列窗,里面放满了乐器。 Here I walked about for a long time, feeling very strange, and mortally apprehensive of some one coming in and kidnapping me. 我在房间里来回走了很久,心里很不自在,害怕有人会进来把我拐走。 For I believed in kidnappers, their exploits having frequently figured in Bessie's fireside chronicles. 我相信确有拐子,他们所干的勾当常常出现在贝茜火炉旁所讲的故事中。 At last the guard returned; once more I was stowed away in the coach, 护车人终于回来了,我再次被塞进马车, my protector mounted his own seat, sounded his hollow horn, and away we rattled over the “stony street” of L. 我的保护人登上座位,吹起了闷声闷气的号角,车子一阵丁当,驶过了L镇的“石子街”。 The afternoon came on wet and somewhat misty. 下午,天气潮湿,雾气迷蒙。 As it waned into dusk, I began to feel that we were getting very far indeed from Gateshead. 白昼溶入黄昏时,我开始感到离开盖茨黑德真的很远了。 We ceased to pass through towns. 我们再也没有路过城镇。 The country changed; great grey hills heaved up round the horizon. 乡村的景色也起了变化,一座座灰色的大山耸立在地平线上。 As twilight deepened, we descended a valley, dark with wood, 暮色渐浓,车子驶进一个山谷, and long after night had overclouded the prospect, I heard a wild wind rushing amongst trees. 那里长着黑乎乎一片森林。夜幕遮盖了一切景物之后很久,我听见狂风在林中呼啸。 Lulled by the sound, I at last dropped asleep. 那声音仿佛像催眠曲,我终于倒头睡着了。 I had not long slumbered when the sudden cessation of motion awoke me. 没过多久,车子突然停了下来,我被惊醒了。 The coach-door was open, and a person like a servant was standing at it. 马车的门开着,一个仆人模样的人站在门边。 I saw her face and dress by the light of the lamps. 藉着灯光,我看得清她的面容和衣装。