151230 经典文学 《简·爱》第48期

151230 经典文学 《简·爱》第48期

2015-12-30    02'49''

主播: Fred英语笔记

3164 395

Chapter 06 第六章 The next day commenced as before, getting up and dressing by rushlight. 第二天开始了,同以前一样,穿衣起身还是借着灯草芯蜡烛的微光。 But this morning we were obliged to dispense with the ceremony of washing. The water in the pitchers was frozen. 过今天早晨不得不放弃洗脸仪式了。罐里的水都结了冰。 A change had taken place in the weather the preceding evening, and a keen north-east wind, 头一天夜里、天气变了,刺骨的东北风, whistling through the crevices of our bedroom windows all night long, had made us shiver in our beds, and turned the contents of the ewers to ice. 透过寝室窗门的缝隙,彻夜呼呼吹着,弄得我们在床上直打哆嗦,罐子里的水也结起了冰。 Before the long hour and a half of prayers and Bible-reading was over, I felt ready to perish with cold. 一个半小时的祷告和圣经诵读还没结束,我已觉得快要冻死了。 经典文学《简·爱》 Breakfast-time came at last, and this morning the porridge was not burnt. 早餐时间终于到来,而且今天的粥没有烧焦。 The quality was eatable, the quantity small. 能够下咽,可惜量少。 How small my portion seemed! 我的那份看上去多少呀! I wished it had been doubled. 我真希望能增加一倍。 In the course of the day I was enrolled a member of the fourth class, and regular tasks and occupations were assigned me. 那天我被编入第四班,给布置了正规任务和作业。 Hitherto, I had only been a spectator of the proceedings at Lowood. 在此之前,我在罗沃德不过是静观一切进程的旁观者。 I was now to become an actor therein. 而现在己成了其中的一名演员。 At first, being little accustomed to learn by heart, the lessons appeared to me both long and difficult. 起先,由于我不习惯背诵,觉得课文似乎又长又难。 The frequent change from task to task, too, bewildered me. 功课一门门不断变换,弄得我头昏脑胀。 And I was glad when, about three o' clock in the afternoon, Miss Smith put into my hands a border of muslin two yards long, 下午三点光景,史密斯小姐把一根两码长的平纹细布滚边塞到我手里, together with needle, thimble, etc. , and sent me to sit in a quiet corner of the schoolroom, with directions to hem the same. 连同针和顶针之类的东西,让我坐在教室僻静的角落,根据指令依样画葫芦缝上滚边,我一时喜出望外。 At that hour most of the others were sewing likewise. 在那时刻,其他人也大多一样在缝。 But one class still stood round Miss Scatcherd's chair reading, and as all was quiet, 只有一个班仍围着斯卡查德小姐的椅子,站着读书。 the subject of their lessons could be heard, together with the manner in which each girl acquitted herself, 四周鸦雀无声,所以听得见她们功课的内容,也听得见每个姑娘读得怎样, and the animadversions or commendations of Miss Scatcherd on the performance. 听得见斯卡查德小姐对她们表现的责备和赞扬。 It was English history. Among the readers I observed my acquaintance of the verandah. 这是一堂英国历史课,我注意到在读书的人中,有一位是我在游廊上相识的。 At the commencement of the lesson, her place had been at the top of the class, 开始上课时,她被安排在全班首位, but for some error of pronunciation, or some inattention to stops, she was suddenly sent to the very bottom. 可是由于某些发音错误及对句号的忽视,她突然被降到末尾去了。 Even in that obscure position, Miss Scatcherd continued to make her an object of constant notice. 即使在这种不起眼的位置上,斯卡查德小姐也继续使她成为始终引人注目的对象。 She was continually addressing to her such phrases as the following: 不断用这样的措词同她说话: Burns (such it seems was her name: the girls here were all called by their surnames, as boys are elsewhere). 彭斯(这似乎就是她的名字,这儿的女孩像其他地方的男孩一样,都按姓来叫的)。 Burns, you are standing on the side of your shoe; turn your toes out immediately. 彭斯,你鞋子踩偏了,快把脚趾伸直。 Burns, you poke your chin most unpleasantly; draw it in. 彭斯,你伸着下巴,多难看,把它收回去。 "Burns, I insist on your holding your head up; I will not have you before me in that attitude,” etc. etc. "彭斯,我要你抬起头来,我不允许你在我面前做出这付样子来,”等等。 A chapter having been read through twice, the books were closed and the girls examined. 一章书从头到尾读了两遍,课本便合了起来,姑娘们受到了考问。 The lesson had comprised part of the reign of Charles I, 这堂课讲的是查理一世王朝的一个时期, and there were sundry questions about tonnage and poundage and ship-money, which most of them appeared unable to answer. 问的问题形形式式,船舶吨位税呀,按镑收税呀,造船税呀,大多数人似乎都无法回答。 still, every little difficulty was solved instantly when it reached Burns. 但是一到彭斯那里,每一道难题都迎刃而解。