160112 经典文学《简·爱》第50期

160112 经典文学《简·爱》第50期

2016-01-12    02'18''

主播: Fred英语笔记

2238 360

On the evening of the day on which I had seen Miss Scatcherd flog her pupil, Burns, 在我看见斯卡查德小姐鞭打她的学生彭斯的那天晚上, I wandered as usual among the forms and tables and laughing groups without a companion, yet not feeling lonely. 我照例在长凳、桌子和笑声不绝的人群中间穿来穿去,虽然无人作伴,倒也并不寂寞。 When I passed the windows, I now and then lifted a blind, and looked out. 经过窗户时,我不时拉起百叶窗,向外眺望。 It snowed fast, a drift was already forming against the lower panes. 雪下得很紧,下端的窗玻璃上已经积起了一层。 Putting my ear close to the window, I could distinguish from the gleeful tumult within, the disconsolate moan of the wind outside. 我把耳朵贴在窗上,分辩得出里面轻快的喧哗和外面寒风凄厉的呻吟。 Probably, if I had lately left a good home and kind parents, this would have been the hour when I should most keenly have regretted the separation. 如果我刚离开了一个温暖的家和慈祥的双亲,这一时刻也许会非常后悔当初的离别。 That wind would then have saddened my heart. 那风会使我伤心不已。 This obscure chaos would have disturbed my peace! 这种模糊的混沌会打破我的平静。 As it was, I derived from both a strange excitement, and reckless and feverish, 但实际上两者激起了我一莫名的兴奋,在不安和狂热之中, I wished the wind to howl more wildly, the gloom to deepen to darkness, and the confusion to rise to clamour. 我盼望风会咆哮得更猛烈;天色会更加昏暗变得一团漆黑,嗡嗡的人声会进而成为喧嚣。 Jumping over forms, and creeping under tables, I made my way to one of the fire-places. 我跨过凳子钻过桌子,寻路来到一个壁炉跟前。 There, kneeling by the high wire fender, I found Burns, absorbed, silent, 跪在高高的铁丝防护板旁边,我发现彭斯有一本书作伴,全神贯注,沉默不语, abstracted from all round her by the companionship of a book, which she read by the dim glare of the embers. 忘掉了周围的一切,借着余火灰暗的闪光读着书。 "Is it still 'Rasselas'?" I asked, coming behind her. "还是那本《拉塞拉斯》吗?"我来到她背后说。 "Yes," she said, "and I have just finished it." "是的,"她说,"我刚读完它。" And in five minutes more she shut it up. I was glad of this. 过了五分钟她掩上了书。这正合我心意。 "Now," thought I, "I can perhaps get her to talk." I sat down by her on the floor. "现在,"我想,"我也许能使她开口了吧。"我—屁股坐在她旁边的地板上。 What is your name besides Burns? 除了彭斯,你还叫什么? Helen. 海伦。 Do you come a long way from here? 你从很远的地方来吗? I come from a place farther north, quite on the borders of Scotland. 我来自很靠北的一个地方,靠近苏格兰边界了。 Will you ever go back? 你还回去吗? I hope so, but nobody can be sure of the future. 我希望能这样,可是对未来谁也没有把握。 You must wish to leave Lowood? 你想必很希望离开罗沃德,是吗? No! Why should I? I was sent to Lowood to get an education, and it would be of no use going away until I have attained that object. 不,干嘛要这样呢?送我到罗沃德来是接受教育的,没有达到这个目的就走才没有意思呢。 But that teacher, Miss Scatcherd, is so cruel to you? 可是那位教师,就是斯卡查德小姐,对你那么凶狠。