160305 经典文学《简·爱》第63期

160305 经典文学《简·爱》第63期

2016-03-05    02'08''

主播: Fred英语笔记

12642 565

They now proceeded to address divers remarks and reproofs to Miss Smith, who was charged with the care of the linen and the inspection of the dormitories: 这时她们对负责照管衣被、检查寝室的史密斯小姐,提出了种种看法和责难。 But I had no time to listen to what they said. 不过我没有工夫去听她们说些什么。 Other matters called off and enchanted my attention. 其他事情来打岔,并吸引了我的注意力。 Hitherto, while gathering up the discourse of Mr. Brocklehurst and Miss Temple, I had not, at the same time, neglected precautions to secure my personal safety, 到现在为止,我一面领会着布罗克赫斯特先生和坦普尔小姐的讲话,一面并没有放松戒备,确保自己的安全, which I thought would be effected, if I could only elude observation. 而只要不被看到,安全是没有问题的。 To this end, I had sat well back on the form, and while seeming to be busy with my sum, had held my slate in such a manner as to conceal my face. 为了达到这个目的,我坐在长凳上,身子往后靠,看上去似乎在忙于计算,把写字板端得刚好遮住了脸。 I might have escaped notice, had not my treacherous slate somehow happened to slip from my hand, and falling with an obtrusive crash, directly drawn every eye upon me. 我本可以逃避别人的注意,却不料我那块捣蛋的写字板,不知怎地恰巧从我手里滑落,砰地一声冒然落地。顷刻之间人人都朝我投来了目光。 I knew it was all over now, and, as I stooped to pick up the two fragments of slate, I rallied my forces for the worst. It came. 我知道这下全完了,我弯下腰捡起了碎为两半的写字板,鼓足勇气准备面对最坏的结局,它终于来了。 "A careless girl!" said Mr. Brocklehurst, and immediately after - "It is the new pupil, I perceive." “好粗心的姑娘!”布罗克赫斯特先生说,随后立刻又说,“是个新来的学生,我看出来了。” And before I could draw breath, "I must not forget I have a word to say respecting her." 我还没喘过气来,他又说下去,“我可别忘了,有句关于她的话要说,” Then aloud. How loud it seemed to me! "Let the child who broke her slate come forward!" 随后大着嗓门说。在我听来,那声音有多响啊!“让那个打破写字板的孩子到前面来!” Of my own accord I could not have stirred. I was paralysed, 我自己已经无法动弹了,我瘫了下来。 But the two great girls who sit on each side of me, set me on my legs and pushed me towards the dread judge, 可是坐在我两边的两个大姑娘,扶我站了起来,把我推向那位恐怖的法官。 and then Miss Temple gently assisted me to his very feet, and I caught her whispered counsel: "Don't be afraid, Jane, I saw it was an accident. You shall not be punished." 随后坦普尔小姐轻轻地搀着我来到他的脚跟前,我听见她小声地劝导我:“别怕,简,我知道这不是故意的,你不会受罚。” The kind whisper went to my heart like a dagger. 这善意的耳语像匕首一样直刺我心扉。 "Another minute, and she will despise me for a hypocrite," thought I. “再过一分钟,她就会把我当作伪君子而瞧不起我了,”我想。 And an impulse of fury against Reed, Brocklehurst, and Co. bounded in my pulses at the conviction. I was no Helen Burns. 一想到这点,心中便激起了一腔怒火,冲着里德太太和布罗克赫斯特一伙们,我可不是海伦.彭斯。 "Fetch that stool," said Mr. Brocklehurst, pointing to a very high one from which a monitor had just risen. “把那条凳子拿来,”布罗克赫斯特先生指着一条很高的凳子说一位班长刚从那儿站起来。 It was brought. 凳子给端来了。 Have a nice weekend,good night~