160328 经典文学《简·爱》第66期

160328 经典文学《简·爱》第66期

2016-03-28    01'34''

主播: Fred英语笔记

13052 472

What my sensations were no language can describe. 我的感触非语言所能形容。 But just as they all rose, stifling my breath and constricting my throat, a girl came up and passed me. 但是正当全体起立,使我呼吸困难,喉头紧缩的时候,一位姑娘走上前来。 In passing, she lifted her eyes. 从我身边经过。她在走过时抬起了眼睛。 What a strange light inspired them! 那双眼睛闪着多么奇怪的光芒! What an extraordinary sensation that ray sent through me! 那道光芒使我浑身充满了一种多么异乎寻常的感觉! How the new feeling bore me up! 这种新感觉给予我多大的支持! It was as if a martyr, a hero, had passed a slave or victim, and imparted strength in the transit. 仿佛一位殉道者、一个英雄走过一个奴隶或者牺牲者的身边,刹那之间把力量也传给了他。 I mastered the rising hysteria, lifted up my head, and took a firm stand on the stool. 我控制住了正待发作的歇斯底里,抬起头来,坚定地站在凳子上。 Helen Burns asked some slight question about her work of Miss Smith, was chidden for the triviality of the inquiry, 海伦.彭斯问了史密斯小姐某个关于她作业的小问题,因为问题琐碎而被申斥了一通。 returned to her place, and smiled at me as she again went by. 她回到自己的位置上去时,再次走过我,对我微微一笑。 What a smile! 多好的微笑! I remember it now, and I know that it was the effluence of fine intellect, of true courage. 我至今还记得,而且知道,这是睿智和真正的勇气的流露。 It lit up her marked lineaments, her thin face, her sunken grey eye, like a reflection from the aspect of an angel. 它像天使脸上的反光一样,照亮了她富有特征的面容、瘦削的脸庞和深陷的灰眼睛。 Yet at that moment Helen Burns wore on her arm "the untidy badge;" 然而就在那一刻,海伦.彭斯的胳膊上还佩戴着“不整洁标记”。 Scarcely an hour ago I had heard her condemned by Miss Scatcherd to a dinner of bread and water on the morrow because she had blotted an exercise in copying it out. 不到一小时之前我听见斯卡查德小姐罚她明天中饭只吃面包和清水,就因为她在抄写习题时弄脏了练习簿。 Such is the imperfect nature of man! 人的天性就是这样的不完美! Such spots are there on the disc of the clearest planet. 即使是最明亮的行星也有这类黑斑。 And eyes like Miss Scatcherd's can only see those minute defects, and are blind to the full brightness of the orb. 而斯卡查德小姐这样的眼睛只能看到细微的缺陷,却对星球的万丈光芒视而不见。