160401 经典文学《简·爱》第68期

160401 经典文学《简·爱》第68期

2016-04-01    01'13''

主播: Fred英语笔记

5450 422

Good morning,everyone. Hope you enjoy everyday in April.^_^ While sobbing out this wish in broken accents, some one approached. 正当我泣不成声地吐出了这个心愿时,有人走近了我。 I started up — again Helen Burns was near me. 我惊跳了起来,又是海伦.彭斯靠近了我。 The fading fires just showed her coming up the long, vacant room. 渐暗的炉火恰好照亮她走过空空荡荡的长房间, She brought my coffee and bread. 她给我端来了咖啡和面包。 "Come, eat something," she said. “来,吃点东西,”她说。 But I put both away from me, feeling as if a drop or a crumb would have choked me in my present condition. 可是我们把咖啡和面包都从我面前推开了,只觉得仿佛眼下一滴咖啡或一口面包就会把我噎住似的。 Helen regarded me, probably with surprise. 海伦凝视着我,也许很惊奇。 I could not now abate my agitation, though I tried hard. I continued to weep aloud. 这时我虽已竭尽全力,却仍无法抑制内心的激动,仍然一个劲儿号啕着。 She sat down on the ground near me, embraced her knees with her arms, and rested her head upon them. 她在我身旁的地上坐下,胳膊抱着双膝,把头靠在膝头上。 In that attitude she remained silent as an Indian. 她就那么坐着,不言不语,像一个印度人。 I was the first who spoke: "Helen, why do you stay with a girl whom everybody believes to be a liar?" 倒是我第一个开了腔:“海伦,你怎么会跟一个人人都相信她会说谎的人呆在一起呢?” Everybody, Jane? 是人人吗,简? Why, there are only eighty people who have heard you called so, and the world contains hundreds of millions. 瞧,只有八十个人听见叫你撒谎者,而世界上有千千万万的人呢。 But what have I to do with millions? 可是我跟那千千万万的人有什么关系呢? The eighty, I know, despise me. 我认识的八十个人瞧不起我。 Jane, you are mistaken. 简,你错啦, Probably not one in the school either despises or dislikes you. 也许学校里没有一个人会瞧不起你,或者讨厌你, Many, I am sure, pity you much. 我敢肯定,很多人都那么同情你。