160601 经典文学《简·爱》第86期

160601 经典文学《简·爱》第86期

2016-06-01    02'35''

主播: Fred英语笔记

4209 376

I went to my window, opened it, and looked out. 我走向窗子,把它打开,往外眺望。 There were the two wings of the building; 我看见了大楼的两翼。 There was the garden; there were the skirts of Lowood; 看见了花园,看见了罗沃德的边缘。 There was the hilly horizon. 看见了山峦起伏的地平线。 My eye passed all other objects to rest on those most remote, the blue peaks. 我的目光越过了其他东西,落在那些最遥远的蓝色山峰上。 It was those I longed to surmount; 正是那些山峰,我渴望去攀登。 All within their boundary of rock and heath seemed prison-ground, exile limits. 荒凉不堪岩石嶙峋的边界之内,仿佛是囚禁地,是放逐的极限。 I traced the white road winding round the base of one mountain, and vanishing in a gorge between two; 我跟踪那条白色的路蜿蜒着绕过一座山的山脚,消失在两山之间的峡谷之中。 How I longed to follow it farther! 我多么希望继续跟着它往前走啊! 经典名著 简爱 I recalled the time when I had travelled that very road in a coach; 我忆起了我乘着马车沿着那条路走的日子。 I remembered descending that hill at twilight; 我记得在薄暮中驶下了山。 An age seemed to have elapsed since the day which brought me first to Lowood, and I had never quitted it since. 自从我被第一次带到罗沃德时起,仿佛一个世纪己经过去,但我从来没有离开过这里。 My vacations had all been spent at school: 假期都是在学校里度过的。 Mrs. Reed had never sent for me to Gateshead; 里德太太从来没有把我接到盖茨黑德去过。 Neither she nor any of her family had ever been to visit me. 不管是她本人,还是家里的其他人,从未来看过我。 I had had no communication by letter or message with the outer world: 我与外部世界既没有书信往来,也不通消息。 School-rules, school-duties, school-habits and notions, and voices, and faces, and phrases, and costumes, and preferences, and antipathies — such was what I knew of existence. 学校的规定、任务、习惯、观念、音容、语言、服饰、好恶,就是我所知道的生活内容。 And now I felt that it was not enough; 而如今我觉得这很不够。 I tired of the routine of eight years in one afternoon. 一个下午之间,我对八年的常规生活突然感到厌倦了。 I desired liberty; for liberty I gasped; for liberty I uttered a prayer. 我憧憬自由,我渴望自由,我为自由作了一个祷告。 It seemed scattered on the wind then faintly blowing. 这祈祷似乎被驱散,融入了微风之中。 I abandoned it and framed a humbler supplication; for change, stimulus: 我放弃了祈祷,设想了一个更谦卑的祈求,祈求变化,祈求刺激。 That petition, too, seemed swept off into vague space: "Then," I cried, half desperate, "grant me at least a new servitude!" 而这恳求似乎也被吹进了浩茫的宇宙。“那么”,我近乎绝望地叫道,“至少赐予我一种新的苦役吧!” Here a bell, ringing the hour of supper, called me downstairs. 这时,晚饭铃响了,把我召唤到了楼下。 I was not free to resume the interrupted chain of my reflections till bedtime. 直到睡觉的时候,我才有空继续那被打断了的沉思。 Even then a teacher who occupied the same room with me kept me from the subject to which I longed to recur, by a prolonged effusion of small talk. 即便在那时,同房间的一位教师还絮絮叨叨闲聊了好久,使我没法回到我所渴望的问题上。 How I wished sleep would silence her. 我多么希望瞌睡会使她闭上嘴巴! It seemed as if, could I but go back to the idea which had last entered my mind as I stood at the window, some inventive suggestion would rise for my relief. 仿佛只要我重新思考伫立窗前时闪过脑际的念头,某个独特的想法便会自己冒出来,使我得以解脱似的。 Miss Gryce snored at last; 格丽丝小姐终于打瞌了。 She was a heavy Welshwoman, and till now her habitual nasal strains had never been regarded by me in any other light than as a nuisance. 她是一位笨重的威尔士女人,在此之前我对她惯常的鼻音曲除了认为讨厌,没有别的看法。 Tonight I hailed the first deep notes with satisfaction. 而今晚我满意地迎来了它最初的深沉曲调。 I was debarrassed of interruption. My half-effaced thought instantly revived. 我免除了打扰,心中那抹去了一半的想法又立刻复活了。