160602 经典文学《简·爱》第87期

160602 经典文学《简·爱》第87期

2016-06-02    02'56''

主播: Fred英语笔记

19640 420

“A new servitude! There is something in that,” I soliloquised (mentally, be it understood. I did not talk aloud). “一种新的苦役!这有一定道理,”我自言自语(要知道,只是心里想想,没有说出口来)。 “I know there is, because it does not sound too sweet; “我知道是有道理,因为它并不十分动听, It is not like such words as Liberty, Excitement, Enjoyment. 不像自由、兴奋、享受这些词, Delightful sounds truly, but no more than sounds for me; 它们的声音确实很悦耳,而且那么空虚和短暂, and so hollow and fleeting that it is mere waste of time to listen to them. 听这些徒然是浪费时间。 But Servitude! That must be matter of fact. 但是这苦役却全然不同!它毕竟是实实在在的。 Any one may serve. I have served here eight years. 任何个人都可以服苦役。我在这儿已经服了八年。 Now all I want is to serve elsewhere. 现在我所期求的不过是到别处去服役。 Can I not get so much of my own will? 难道我连这点愿望也达不到? Is not the thing feasible? 难道这事不可行? 经典文学《简·爱》 Yes — yes — the end is not so difficult; if I had only a brain active enough to ferret out the means of attaining it. 是呀,是呀,要达到目的并非难事,只要我肯动脑筋,找到达到目的之手段。 I sat up in bed by way of arousing this said brain. 我从床上坐起来,以便开动脑筋。 it was a chilly night. 这是一个寒冷的夜晚。 I covered my shoulders with a shawl, and then I proceeded to think again with all my might. 我在肩上围了块披巾,随后便全力以赴地进一步思考起来。 “What do I want? A new place, in a new house, amongst new faces, under new circumstances. “我需要什么呢?在新的环境、新的面孔、新的房子中一个新的工作。 I want this because it is of no use wanting anything better. 我只要这个,因为好高鹜远是徒劳无益的。 How do people do to get a new place? 人们怎样才能找到一个新工作呢? They apply to friends, I suppose. 我猜想他们求助于朋友。 I have no friends. 但我没有朋友。 There are many others who have no friends, 很多没有朋友的人 who must look about for themselves and be their own helpers, and what is their resource?” 只好自己动手去找工作,自己救自己,他们采用什么办法呢?” I could not tell. Nothing answered me. 我说不上来,找不到答案。 I then ordered my brain to find a response, and quickly. 随后我责令自己的头脑找到一个回答,而且要快。 It worked and worked faster. 我动着脑筋,越动越快。 I felt the pulses throb in my head and temples, 我感到我的脑袋和太阳穴在搏动着。 but for nearly an hour it worked in chaos, and no result came of its efforts. 但将近一个小时,我的脑子乱七八糟,一切努力毫无结果。 Feverish with vain labour, I got up and took a turn in the room. 我因为徒劳无功而心乱加麻,便立起身来,在房间里转了转。 Undrew the curtain, noted a star or two, shivered with cold, and again crept to bed. 拉开窗帘,望见一两颗星星,在寒夜中颤抖,我再次爬到床上。 A kind fairy, in my absence, had surely dropped the required suggestion on my pillow. 准是有一位善良的仙女,趁我不在时把我需要的主意放到了我枕头上。 For as I lay down, it came quietly and naturally to my mind. 因为我躺下时,这主意悄悄地、自然而然地闪入我脑际。 Those who want situations advertise. You must advertise in the —shire Herald. 凡是谋职的人都登广告,你必须在《××郡先驱报》上登广告。 How? I know nothing about advertising. 怎么登呢?我对广告一无所知。 Replies rose smooth and prompt now: 回答来得自然而又及时: “You must enclose the advertisement and the money to pay for it under a cover directed to the editor of the Herald. 你必须把广告和广告费放在同一个信封里,寄给《先驱报》的编辑。 You must put it, the first opportunity you have, into the post at Lowton. 你必须立即抓住第一个机会把信投到洛顿邮局。 Answers must be addressed to J.E. , at the post-office there. 回信务必寄往那里邮局的J.E.。 You can go and inquire in about a week after you send your letter, if any are come, and act accordingly. 信寄出后一个星期,你可以去查询。要是来了回音,那就随之行动。 This scheme I went over twice, thrice. It was then digested in my mind. 我把这个计划琢磨了二三回。接着便消化在脑子里。 I had it in a clear practical form. 我非常清晰地把它具体化了。 I felt satisfied, and fell asleep. 我很满意,不久便酣然入睡。