160617 经典文学《简·爱》第91期

160617 经典文学《简·爱》第91期

2016-06-17    02'17''

主播: Fred英语笔记

9387 367

"Well, who is it?" she asked, in a voice and with a smile I half recognised; “瞧,是谁来了?”她回话的嗓音和笑容我似曾相识, "you've not quite forgotten me, I think, Miss Jane?" “我想你没有把我完全忘记吧,简小姐?” In another second I was embracing and kissing her rapturously: "Bessie! Bessie! Bessie!" 顷刻之间我便喜不自禁地拥抱她,吻她了。“贝茜!贝茜!贝茜!” that was all I said, whereat she half laughed, half cried, and we both went into the parlour. 我光这么叫着,而她听了又是笑又是哭,两人都进了后客厅。 By the fire stood a little fellow of three years old, in plaid frock and trousers. 壁炉旁边站着一个三岁左右的小家伙,穿着花格呢外衣和裤子。 "That is my little boy," said Bessie directly. “那是我的儿子,”贝茜立刻说。 Then you are married, Bessie? 这么说,你结婚了,贝茜? Yes, nearly five years since to Robert Leaven, the coachman, 是呀,己经快五年了,嫁给了马车夫罗伯特·利文, and I've a little girl besides Bobby there, that I've christened Jane. 除了站在那儿的鲍比,我还有一个小女孩,我把她的教名取作简。” And you don't live at Gateshead? 你不住在盖茨黑德了? I live at the lodge. The old porter has left. 我住在门房里,原来那个看门的走了。 Well, and how do they all get on? 噢,他们都过得怎么样? Tell me everything about them, Bessie. 把他们的事情统统都告诉我,贝茜。 But sit down first, and, Bobby, come and sit on my knee, will you? 不过先坐下来,还有鲍比,过来坐在我的膝头上好吗? But Bobby preferred sidling over to his mother. 但鲍比还是喜欢侧着身子挨近他妈妈。 "You're not grown so very tall, Miss Jane, nor so very stout," continued Mrs. Leaven. “你长得那么高了,简小姐,而又没有发胖,”利文太太继续说。 I dare say they've not kept you too well at school. 我猜想学校里没有把你照看得太好吧。 Miss Reed is the head and shoulders taller than you are, 里德小姐要比你高得多呢。 and Miss Georgiana would make two of you in breadth. 而乔治亚娜小姐有你两个人那么阔。 Georgiana is handsome, I suppose, Bessie? 乔治亚娜想来很漂亮吧,贝茜? Very. 很漂亮。 She went up to London last winter with her mama, and there everybody admired her, 去年冬天她同妈妈上了伦敦,在那儿人见人爱, and a young lord fell in love with her: but his relations were against the match. 一个年轻勋爵爱上了她,但勋爵的亲戚反对这门亲事, And — what do you think? 而 — 你认为怎么样 ? He and Miss Georgiana made it up to run away; but they were found out and stopped. 他和乔治亚娜小姐决定私奔,于是让人发现了,受到了阻止。 It was Miss Reed that found them out. 发现他们的正是里德小姐。 I believe she was envious; and now she and her sister lead a cat and dog life together. 我想她是出于妒嫉,如今她们姐妹俩像猫和狗一样不合, They are always quarrelling. 老是吵架。 Well, and what of John Reed? 那么,约翰.里德怎么样了? Oh, he is not doing so well as his mama could wish. 啊,他辜负了他妈妈的希望,表现并不好。 He went to college, and he got — plucked, I think they call it. 他上了大学,而考试不及格,我想他们是这么说的。 And then his uncles wanted him to be a barrister, and study the law. 后来他的叔叔们要他将来当律师,去学习法律。 But he is such a dissipated young man, they will never make much of him, I think. 但他是个年轻浪荡子,我想他们甭想使他有出息。 What does he look like? 他长成什么模样了? He is very tall. Some people call him a fine-looking young man, but he has such thick lips. 他很高,有人叫他俊小伙子,不过他的嘴唇很厚。 And Mrs. Reed? 里德太太怎么样? Missis looks stout and well enough in the face, but I think she's not quite easy in her mind. 太太显得有些发胖,外表看看倒不错,但我想她心里很不安。 Mr. John's conduct does not please her — he spends a deal of money. 约翰先生的行为使她不高兴—一约翰用掉了很多钱。