160711  经典文学《简·爱》 第98期

160711 经典文学《简·爱》 第98期

2016-07-11    02'20''

主播: Fred英语笔记

9044 510

And I drew my chair a little nearer to her, and expressed my sincere wish that she might find my company as agreeable as she anticipated. 我把椅子往她身边挪了挪,并表达了我真诚的希望,愿她发现我是一位如她所企盼的融洽伙伴。 "But I&`&ll not keep you sitting up late tonight," said she. “不过今晚我可不想留你太晚,”她说。 It is on the stroke of twelve now, and you have been travelling all day. You must feel tired. 现在钟敲十二点了,你奔波了一整天,一定已经很累。 If you have got your feet well warmed, I&`&ll show you your bedroom. 要是你的脚已经暖和过来了,我就带你上卧室去。 I&`&ve had the room next to mine prepared for you; 我已让人拾掇好了我隔壁的房间。 It is only a small apartment, but I thought you would like it better than one of the large front chambers. 这不过是个小间,但比起一间宽阔的前房来,我想你会更喜欢的。 To be sure they have finer furniture, but they are so dreary and solitary, I never sleep in them myself. 虽然那些大房间确实有精致的家具,但孤独冷清,连我自己也从来不睡在里面的。 经典名著 简爱 I thanked her for her considerate choice, and as I really felt fatigued with my long journey, expressed my readiness to retire. 我感谢她周到的选择,但长途旅行之后,我确实已疲惫不堪,便表示准备歇息。 She took her candle, and I followed her from the room. 她端着蜡烛,让我跟着她走出房间。 First she went to see if the hall-door was fastened. 先是去看大厅的门上了锁没有。 Having taken the key from the lock, she led the way upstairs. 她从锁上取下钥匙,领我上了楼梯。 The steps and banisters were of oak. 楼梯和扶手都是橡树做的。 The staircase window was high and latticed. 楼梯上的窗子都是高高的花格窗。 Both it and the long gallery into which the bedroom doors opened looked as if they belonged to a church rather than a house. 这类窗子和直通一间间卧室的长长过道,看上去不像住家,而像教堂。 A very chill and vault-like air pervaded the stairs and gallery, suggesting cheerless ideas of space and solitude. 楼梯和过道上弥漫着一种墓穴似的阴森气氛,给人一种空旷和孤寂的凄凉感。 And I was glad, when finally ushered into my chamber, to find it of small dimensions, and furnished in ordinary, modern style. 因此当我最后被领进自己的房间,发现它面积不大,有着普通现代风格的陈设时,心里便十分高兴了。 When Mrs. Fairfax had bidden me a kind good-night, 费尔法克斯太太客气地跟我道了晚安。 and I had fastened my door, gazed leisurely round, and in some measure effaced the eerie impression made by that wide hall, that dark and spacious staircase, and that long, cold gallery, 我闩上了门,目光从容四顾,不觉感到那宽阔的大厅、漆旱宽畅的楼梯和阴冷的长廊所造成的恐怖怪异的印象, by the livelier aspect of my little room, 己被这小房间的蓬勃生气抹去了几分。 I remembered that, after a day of bodily fatigue and mental anxiety, I was now at last in safe haven. 这时我忽然想到,经历了身心交瘁的一天之后,此刻我终于到达了一个安全避风港, The impulse of gratitude swelled my heart, and I knelt down at the bedside, and offered up thanks where thanks were due. 感激之情油然而生。我跪在床边开始祈祷,表示了理所应当的感恩。 Not forgetting, ere I rose, to implore aid on my further path, and the power of meriting the kindness which seemed so frankly offered me before it was earned. 在站起来之前,并未忘记祈求在前路上赐予帮助与力量,使我配得上还没有付出努力就坦率地授与我的那份厚意。 My couch had no thorns in it that night, my solitary room no fears. 那天晚上,我的床榻上没有荆棘,我那孤寂的房间里没有恐惧。 At once weary and content, I slept soon and soundly. 立刻,倦意与满足俱来,我很快便沉沉睡去。 When I awoke it was broad day. 醒来的时候,天色已经大亮了。