161201 经典文学《简·爱》 第102期

161201 经典文学《简·爱》 第102期

2016-12-01    02'09''

主播: Fred英语笔记

2659 204

"Ah!" cried she, in French, you speak my language as well as Mr. Rochester does. “啊!”她用法语叫道,你说我的话同罗切斯特先生说得一样好。 I can talk to you as I can to him, and so can Sophie. 我可以同你谈了,像我可以跟他谈一样。索菲娅也可以同你谈了。 She will be glad: 她会很开心的。 Nobody here understands her. 这里没有人懂她的话。 Madame Fairfax is all English. 而费尔法克斯太太又满口英语。 Sophie is my nurse; she came with me over the sea in a great ship with a chimney that smoked — how it did smoke! 索菲娅是我的保姆,同我一起乘了条大船穿过海洋,船上有个烟囱冒着烟,多浓的烟呀! And I was sick, and so was Sophie, and so was Mr. Rochester. 我病倒了,索菲娅也病倒了,还有罗切斯特先生也病倒了。 Mr. Rochester lay down on a sofa in a pretty room called the salon, and Sophie and I had little beds in another place. 罗切斯特先生躺在沙发上,在一间叫沙龙的漂亮房间里,索菲娅和我睡在另一个地方的小床上。 I nearly fell out of mine; it was like a shelf. 它像个架子,我差点跌了下来。 经典文学《简·爱》 And Mademoiselle — what is your name? 小姐,你叫什么名字? Eyre — Jane Eyre. 爱 — 简.爱。 Aire? Bah! I cannot say it. 埃尔?啊,我说不上来。 Well, our ship stopped in the morning, before it was quite daylight, 是呀,我们的船在早晨停了下来,天还没有大亮, at a great city — a huge city, with very dark houses and all smoky. 船在一个大城市靠了岸,一个很大的城市,房子都很黑,全都冒着烟。 Not at all like the pretty clean town I came from. 一点也不像我原来地方漂亮干净的城镇。 And Mr. Rochester carried me in his arms over a plank to the land, and Sophie came after, and we all got into a coach, 罗切斯特先生抱着我走过一块板,来到陆地上,索菲娅跟在后面,我们坐进了一辆马车, which took us to a beautiful large house, larger than this and finer, called an hotel. 它把我们带到了一座美丽的大房子,比这座还要大,还要好,叫做旅馆。 We stayed there nearly a week. 我们在那里呆了差不多一个星期。 I and Sophie used to walk every day in a great green place full of trees, called the Park. 我和索菲娅每天去逛一个老大的地方,种满了树,碧绿碧绿的,他们管它叫公园。 And there were many children there besides me, and a pond with beautiful birds in it, that I fed with crumbs. 除了我,那里还有很多孩子,还有一个池塘,池塘里有很多漂亮的鸟,我用面包屑喂它们。 "Can you understand her when she runs on so fast?" asked Mrs. Fairfax. “她讲得那么快,你能听懂吗?”费尔法克斯太太问。 I understood her very well, for I had been accustomed to the fluent tongue of Madame Pierrot. 我完全懂她的话,因为过去早已听惯了皮埃罗夫人流利的语言。 "I wish," continued the good lady, “我希望,”这位善良的夫人继续说, "You would ask her a question or two about her parents. I wonder if she remembers them?" “你问她一两个关于她父母的问题,看她还记不记得她们。” “Adèle,” I inquired, "with whom did you live when you were in that pretty clean town you spoke of?" “阿黛勒,”我问,“在你说的那个既漂亮又干净的镇上,你跟谁一起过日子的?” I lived long ago with mama, but she is gone to the Holy Virgin. 很久以前我跟妈妈住在一起,可是她到圣母玛丽娅那儿去了。 Mama used to teach me to dance and sing, and to say verses. 妈妈过去常教我跳舞、唱歌、朗诵诗歌。 A great many gentlemen and ladies came to see mama, 很多很多先生和太太来看妈妈, and I used to dance before them, or to sit on their knees and sing to them. 我老是跳舞给他们看,或者坐在他们膝头上,唱歌给他们听。 I liked it. Shall I let you hear me sing now? 我喜欢这样,让我现在唱给你听好吗? 来源:可可英语