161207 经典文学《简·爱》第107期

161207 经典文学《简·爱》第107期

2016-12-07    02'17''

主播: Fred英语笔记

2928 199

I liked the hush, the gloom, the quaintness of these retreats in the day; 白天我喜欢这些去处的静谧、幽暗和古雅。 But I by no means coveted a night's repose on one of those wide and heavy beds. 不过晚上我决不羡慕在那些笨重的大床上睡觉。 Shut in, some of them, with doors of oak; shaded, others, 有些床装着橡木门,可以关闭; with wrought old English hangings crusted with thick work, 有的挂着古老的英国绣花帐幔,上面满布各类绣花, portraying effigies of strange flowers, and stranger birds, and strangest human beings, 有奇怪的花,更奇怪的乌和最奇怪的人。 all which would have looked strange, indeed, by the pallid gleam of moonlight. 总之是些在苍白的月光下会显得十分古怪的东西。 "Do the servants sleep in these rooms?" I asked. “仆人们睡在这些房间里吗?”我问。 No. They occupy a range of smaller apartments to the back. No one ever sleeps here. 不,他们睡在后面一排小房间里,这里从来没有人睡。 One would almost say that, if there were a ghost at Thornfield Hall, this would be its haunt. 你几乎可以说,要是桑菲尔德府闹鬼,这里会是鬼魂游荡的地方。 经典文学《简·爱》 So I think. You have no ghost, then? 我也有同样想法。那你们这儿没有鬼了? "None that I ever heard of," returned Mrs. Fairfax, smiling. “反正我从没听说过,”费尔法克斯太太笑着说。 Nor any traditions of one? no legends or ghost stories? 鬼的传说也没有?没有传奇或者鬼故事? I believe not. And yet it is said the Rochesters have been rather a violent than a quiet race in their time. 我相信没有。不过据说,罗切斯特家人在世时性格暴烈,而不是文文静静的, Perhaps, though, that is the reason they rest tranquilly in their graves now. 也许那正是他们如今平静地安息在坟墓中的原因吧。 "Yes, after life's fitful fever they sleep well," I muttered. “是呀,经过了一场人生的热病,他们现在睡得好好的,”我喃喃地说, "Where are you going now, Mrs. Fairfax?" for she was moving away. “你现在上哪儿去呀,费尔法克斯太太?”因为她正要走开。 On to the leads; will you come and see the view from thence? 上铅皮屋顶去走走,你高兴一起去,从那儿眺望一下景致吗? I followed still, up a very narrow staircase to the attics, 我默默地跟随着她上了一道狭窄的楼梯,来到顶楼, and thence by a ladder and through a trap-door to the roof of the hall. 在那里爬上一架扶梯,穿过活动天窗,到了桑菲尔德府的房顶。 I was now on a level with the crow colony, and could see into their nests. 这时我与白嘴鸦的领地已处于同一高度,可以窥见他们的巢穴。 Leaning over the battlements and looking far down, I surveyed the grounds laid out like a map. 我倚在城垛上,往下眺望,只见地面恰似一幅地图般展开。 The bright and velvet lawn closely girdling the grey base of the mansion. 鲜嫩的天鹅绒草坪,紧紧围绕着大厦灰色的宅基。 The field, wide as a park, dotted with its ancient timber. 与公园差不多大的田野上,古老的树木星罗棋布。 The wood, dun and sere, divided by a path visibly overgrown, 深褐色枯萎的树林,被一条小径明显分割开来,小径长满了青苔, greener with moss than the trees were with foliage. 看上去比带叶子的树木还绿。 The church at the gates, the road, the tranquil hills, all reposing in the autumn day's sun. 门口的教堂、道路和寂静的小山都安卧在秋阳里。 The horizon bounded by a propitious sky, azure, marbled with pearly white. 地平线上祥和的天空,蔚蓝中夹杂着大理石般的珠白色。 来源:可可英语