161221 经典文学《简·爱》第120期

161221 经典文学《简·爱》第120期

2016-12-21    02'11''

主播: Fred英语笔记

7295 150

Mr. Rochester, it seems, by the surgeon's orders, went to bed early that night; nor did he rise soon next morning. 遵照医嘱,罗切斯特先生那晚上床很早,第二天早晨也没有马上起身。 When he did come down, it was to attend to business. 他就是下楼来也是处理事务的, His agent and some of his tenants were arrived, and waiting to speak with him. 他的代理人和一些佃户到了,等着要跟他说话。 Adèle and I had now to vacate the library. 阿黛勒和我现在得腾出书房, It would be in daily requisition as a reception-room for callers. 它用作每日来访者的接待室。 A fire was lit in an apartment upstairs, and there I carried our books, and arranged it for the future schoolroom. 楼上的一个房间生起了火,我把书搬到那里,把它辟为未来的读书室。 I discerned in the course of the morning that Thornfield Hall was a changed place. 早上我觉察到桑菲尔德变了样。 No longer silent as a church, it echoed every hour or two to a knock at the door, or a clang of the bell. 不再像教堂那么沉寂,每隔一两个小时便回响起敲门声或拉铃声。 Steps, too, often traversed the hall, and new voices spoke in different keys below. 常有脚步声越过大厅,不同声调的陌生话音也在楼下响起。 经典名著 简爱 A rill from the outer world was flowing through it. it had a master: 一条潺潺溪流从外面世界流进了府里,因为府上有了个主人。 For my part, I liked it better. 就我来说,倒更喜欢这样。 Adèle was not easy to teach that day. She could not apply. 那天阿黛勒不大好教。她静不下心来。 She kept running to the door and looking over the banisters to see if she could get a glimpse of Mr. Rochester. 不往往门边跑,从栏杆上往下张望,看看能不能瞧一眼罗切斯特先生。 Then she coined pretexts to go downstairs, in order, as I shrewdly suspected, to visit the library, where I knew she was not wanted. 随后编造出一些借口来,要到楼下去,我一下就猜到是为了到书房去走走,我知道那儿并不需要她。 Then, when I got a little angry, and made her sit still, 随后,见我有点儿生气了,并让她好好儿坐着, she continued to talk incessantly of her “ami, Monsieur Edouard Fairfax DE Rochester,” 她就不断唠叨起她的“费尔法克斯的朋友爱德华先生”, as she dubbed him (I had not before heard his prenomens) , and to conjecture what presents he had brought her. 她就这么称呼他(而我以前从末听到过他的教名),还想象着他给她带来了什么礼物。 For it appears he had intimated the night before, that when his luggage came from Millcote, 因为他似乎在前天晚上提起过,他的行李从米尔科特运到后, there would be found amongst it a little box in whose contents she had an interest. 内中会有一个小匣子,匣子里的东西她很感兴趣。 "Et cela doit signifier," said she, "qu' il y aura le dedans un cadeau pour moi, et peut-etre pour vous aussi, mademoiselle." “这意味着,”她说,“他会给我礼物,也许你也思念。” Monsieur a parle de vous: il m' a demande le nom de ma gouvernante, 先生说:他要求你叫我的管家, et si elle n' etait pas une petite personne, assez mince et un peu pale. 如果她不是一个很瘦很小还有点苍白的人。 J' ai dit qu 'oui: "car c' est vrai, n' est-ce pas, mademoiselle?" 我说:“是的,因为这是真的,不是吗,小姐。” I and my pupil dined as usual in Mrs. Fairfax's parlour. 我和我的学生照例又在费尔法克斯太太的客厅里用餐。 The afternoon was wild and snowy, and we passed it in the schoolroom. 下午风雪交加,我们呆在读书室里。 来源:可可英语(无第119期)