170118 经典文学《简·爱》第143期

170118 经典文学《简·爱》第143期

2017-01-18    02'20''

主播: Fred英语笔记

6602 207

She is now with Sophie, undergoing a robing process. 现在她跟索菲娅在一起,正忙着试装呢。 In a few minutes she will reenter. 不要几分钟,她会再次进来。 And I know what I shall see, a miniature of Celine Varens, as she used to appear on the boards at the rising of. 我知道我会看到什么 — 塞莉纳.瓦伦的缩影,当年帷幕开启,她出现在舞台上时的模样。" But never mind that. 不过,不去管它啦。 However, my tenderest feelings are about to receive a shock. 然而,我的最温柔的感情将为之震动。 Such is my presentiment. 这就是我的预感。 Stay now, to see whether it will be realised. 呆着别走,看看是不是会兑现。 Ere long, Adèle's little foot was heard tripping across the hall. 不久,我就听见阿黛勒的小脚轻快地走过客厅。 She entered, transformed as her guardian had predicted. 她进来了,正如她的保护人所预见的那样,已判若两人。 A dress of rose-coloured satin, very short, 一套玫瑰色缎子衣服代替了原先的棕色上衣, and as full in the skirt as it could be gathered, replaced the brown frock she had previously worn. 这衣服很短,裙摆大得不能再大。 A wreath of rosebuds circled her forehead. 她的额头上戴着一个玫瑰花蕾的花环。 经典文学《简·爱》 Her feet were dressed in silk stockings and small white satin sandals. 她的脚上穿着丝袜和白缎子小凉鞋。 "Est-ce que ma robe va bien?" cried she, bounding forwards; "et mes souliers? et mes bas? Tenez, je crois que je vais danser!" "就是我的衣服很好?"她跳跳蹦蹦跑到前面叫道"和我的袜子?在这里,我想我会跳舞!" And spreading out her dress, she chasseed across the room till, having reached Mr. Rochester, 她展开裙子,用快滑步舞姿穿过房间,到了罗切斯特先生的跟前, she wheeled lightly round before him on tip-toe, then dropped on one knee at his feet, exclaiming: 踮着脚在他面前轻盈地转了一圈,随后一个膝头着地,蹲在他脚边,嚷着: "Monsieur, je vous remercie mille fois de votre bonte;" then rising, she added, "先生,谢谢你的仁慈,"随后她立起来补充了一句: "C' est comme cela que maman faisait, n 'est-ce pas, monsieur?" "不是的,这是妈妈做的,先生?" Pre-cise-ly! was the answer. 确—实—像"他答道。 And, 'comme cela,' she charmed my English gold out of my British breeches' pocket. "而且‘commecela’,她把我迷住了,从我英国裤袋里骗走了我英国的钱。 I have been green, too, Miss Eyre, ay, grass green, not a more vernal tint freshens you now than once freshened me. 我也很稚嫩,爱小姐 — 唉,青草一般稚嫩,一度使我生气勃勃的青春色彩并不淡于如今的你。 My Spring is gone, however, but it has left me that French floweret on my hands, which, in some moods, I would fain be rid of. 不过我的春天已经逝去,但它在我手中留下了一小朵法国小花,在某些心境中,我真想把它摆脱。 Not valuing now the root whence it sprang. 我并不珍重生出它的根来。 Having found that it was of a sort which nothing but gold dust could manure, 还发现它需要用金土来培植, I have but half a liking to the blossom, especially when it looks so artificial as just now. 于是我对这朵花三心二意了,特别是像现在这样它看上去多么矫揉造作。 I keep it and rear it rather on the Roman Catholic principle of expiating numerous sins, great or small, by one good work. 我收留它,养育它,多半是按照罗马天主教教义,用做一件好事来赎无数大大小小的罪孽。 I'll explain all this some day. Good-night. 改天再给你解释这一切,晚安。 来源:可可英语