170227 经典文学《简·爱》第154期

170227 经典文学《简·爱》第154期

2017-02-27    01'32''

主播: Fred英语笔记

4622 276

I, indeed, talked comparatively little, but I heard him talk with relish. 说实在,相比之下我的话不多,不过我津津有味地听他说。 It was his nature to be communicative. 他生性爱说话。 He liked to open to a mind unacquainted with the world glimpses of its scenes and ways. 喜欢向一个未见世面的人披露一点世事人情。 I do not mean its corrupt scenes and wicked ways, 我不是指腐败的风尚和恶劣的习气, but such as derived their interest from the great scale on which they were acted, 而是指那些因为广泛盛行、 the strange novelty by which they were characterised. 新奇独特而显得有趣的世事。 And I had a keen delight in receiving the new ideas he offered, in imagining the new pictures he portrayed, 我非常乐意接受他所提供的新观念,想象出他所描绘的新画面, and following him in thought through the new regions he disclosed, 在脑海中跟随着他越过所揭示的新领域, never startled or troubled by one noxious allusion. 从来不因为提到某些有害的世象而大惊小怪,或者烦恼不已。 经典文学《简·爱》 The ease of his manner freed me from painful restraint. 他举手投足无拘无束,使我不再痛苦地感到窘迫。 The friendly frankness, as correct as cordial, with which he treated me, drew me to him. 他对我友好坦诚,既得体又热情,使我更加靠近他。 I felt at times as if he were my relation rather than my master. 有时我觉得他不是我的主人,而是我的亲戚。 Yet he was imperious sometimes still, but I did not mind that. 不过有时却依然盛气凌人,但我并不在乎。 I saw it was his way. 我明白他生就了这付性子。 So happy, so gratified did I become with this new interest added to life, that I ceased to pine after kindred. 由于生活中平添了这一兴趣,我感到非常愉快,非常满意,不再渴望有自己的亲人。 My thin crescent-destiny seemed to enlarge. 我那瘦如新月的命运也似乎壮大了。 The blanks of existence were filled up. 生活中的空白已被填补。 My bodily health improved. 我的健康有所好转。 I gathered flesh and strength. 我长了肉,也长了力。 And was Mr. Rochester now ugly in my eyes? 在我的眼睛里,罗切斯特先生现在还很丑吗? No, reader. Gratitude, and many associations, all pleasurable and genial, made his face the object I best liked to see; 不,读者。感激之情以及很多愉快亲切的联想,使我终于最爱看他的面容了。 his presence in a room was more cheering than the brightest fire. 房间里有他在,比生了最旺的火还更令人高兴。 From: Kekenet.com