170309 经典文学《简·爱》第157期

170309 经典文学《简·爱》第157期

2017-03-09    01'38''

主播: Fred英语笔记

2802 259

I had seen him lying there myself in the mornings. 我自己就在早上看到过它躺在那里。 The idea calmed me somewhat. 这么一想,心里也便镇静了些。 I lay down. Silence composes the nerves. 我躺了下来,沉寂安抚了我的神经。 And as an unbroken hush now reigned again through the whole house, I began to feel the return of slumber. 待到整所房子复又被一片宁静所笼罩时,我感到睡意再次袭来。 But it was not fated that I should sleep that night. 但是那天晚上我是注定无法睡觉了。 A dream had scarcely approached my ear, when it fled affrighted, scared by a marrow-freezing incident enough. 梦仙几乎还没接近我的耳朵,便被足以使人吓得冷入骨髓的事件唬跑了。 This was a demoniac laugh — low, suppressed, and deep — uttered, 那是一阵恶魔般的笑声--压抑而低沉-- as it seemed, at the very keyhole of my chamber door. 仿佛就在我房门的锁孔外响起来的。 经典名著 简爱 The head of my bed was near the door, 我的床头靠门, and I thought at first the goblin-laugher stood at my bedside — or rather, crouched by my pillow. 所以我起初以为那笑着的魔鬼站在我床边,或是蹲在枕旁。 But I rose, looked round, and could see nothing. 但是我起身环顾左右,却什么也没有看到。 While, as I still gazed, the unnatural sound was reiterated. 而当我还在凝神细看时,那不自然的声音再次响起。 And I knew it came from behind the panels. 而且我知道来自嵌板的背后。 My first impulse was to rise and fasten the bolt; my next, again to cry out, "Who is there?" 我的第一个反应是爬起来去拴好门,接着我又叫了一声"谁在那里?" Something gurgled and moaned. 什么东西发出了咯咯声和呻吟声。 Ere long, steps retreated up the gallery towards the third-storey staircase. 不久那脚步又退回走廊,上了三楼的楼梯。 A door had lately been made to shut in that staircase. 最近那里装了一扇门,关闭了楼梯。 I heard it open and close, and all was still. 我听见门被打开又被关上,一切复归平静。 "Was that Grace Poole? And is she possessed with a devil?" thought I. "那是格雷斯·普尔吗,难道她妖魔附身了,"我想。 Impossible now to remain longer by myself. 我独个儿再也待不住了。 I must go to Mrs. Fairfax. 我得去找费尔法克斯太太。 I hurried on my frock and a shawl. 我匆匆穿上外衣,披上披肩。 I withdrew the bolt and opened the door with a trembling hand. 用抖动着的手拔了门栓,开了门。 There was a candle burning just outside, and on the matting in the gallery. 就在门外,燃着一支蜡烛,留在走廊的垫子上。 Source: Kekenet.com