170512 经典文学《简·爱》 第171期

170512 经典文学《简·爱》 第171期

2017-05-12    01'11''

主播: Fred英语笔记

3772 120

I fancied sometimes I heard Mr. Rochester's own tread, 有时还在恍惚中听到罗切斯特先生自己的脚步声, and I turned to the door, expecting it to open and admit him. 便赶紧把脸转向门口,期待着门一开,他走了进来。 The door remained shut. 但门依然紧闭着。 Darkness only came in through the window. 唯有夜色透进了窗户。 Still it was not late. 不过现在还不算太晚。 He often sent for me at seven and eight o' clock, and it was yet but six. 他常常到七、八点钟才派人来叫我,而此刻才六点。 Surely I should not be wholly disappointed to-night, when I had so many things to say to him! 当然今晚我不应该完全失望,因为我有那么多的话要同他说。 经典文学《简·爱》 I wanted again to introduce the subject of Grace Poole, and to hear what he would answer. 我要再次提起格雷斯·普尔这个话题,听听他会怎么回答。 I wanted to ask him plainly if he really believed it was she who had made last night's hideous attempt. 我要爽爽气气地问他,是否真的相信是她昨夜动了恶念。 And if so, why he kept her wickedness a secret. 要是相信,那他为什么要替她的恶行保守秘密。 It little mattered whether my curiosity irritated him. 我的好奇心会不会激怒他关系不大,反正我知道一会儿惹他生气。 I knew the pleasure of vexing and soothing him by turns. 一会儿抚慰他的乐趣,这是一件我很乐意干的事。 It was one I chiefly delighted in, and a sure instinct always prevented me from going too far. 一种很有把握的直觉常常使我不至于做过头。 Beyond the verge of provocation I never ventured. 我从来没有冒险越出使他动怒的界线。 On the extreme brink I liked well to try my skill. 但在正边缘上我很喜欢一试身手。 Retaining every minute form of respect, every propriety of my station, 我可以既保持细微的自尊,保持我的身份所需的一应礼节, I could still meet him in argument without fear or uneasy restraint. 而又可以无忧无虑、无拘无束地同他争论。 This suited both him and me. 这样对我们两人都合适。 Source: www.kekenet.com