170515 经典文学《简·爱》 第172期

170515 经典文学《简·爱》 第172期

2017-05-15    01'55''

主播: Fred英语笔记

1937 127

微信公众号:英语听力123 主播新浪微博:@孙梓晋的微博 A tread creaked on the stairs at last. 楼梯上终于响起了吱格的脚步声。 Leah made her appearance. 莉娅来了。 But it was only to intimate that tea was ready in Mrs. Fairfax's room. 但她不过是来通知茶点己在费尔法克斯太太房间里摆好。 Thither I repaired, glad at least to go downstairs. 我朝那走去,心里很是高兴,至少可以到楼下去了。 For that brought me, I imagined, nearer to Mr. Rochester's presence. 我想这么一来离罗切斯特先生更近了。 "You must want your tea," said the good lady, as I joined her. "你一定想用茶点了,"到了她那里后,这位善良的太太说。 "You ate so little at dinner. I am afraid," she continued, "午饭你吃得那么少,"她往下说,"我担心你今天不大舒服。 "You are not well to-day: you look flushed and feverish." 你看上去脸色绯红,像是发了烧。" Oh, quite well! I never felt better. 啊!很好呀,我觉得再好没有了。 Then you must prove it by evincing a good appetite. 那你得用好胃口来证实一下。 Will you fill the teapot while I knit off this needle? 你把茶壶灌满让我织完这一针好吗? 经典文学《简·爱》 Having completed her task, she rose to draw down the blind, which she had hitherto kept up, by way, 这活儿一了结,她便站起来把一直开着的百叶窗放下。 I suppose, of making the most of daylight, though dusk was now fast deepening into total obscurity. 我猜想没有关窗是为了充分利用日光,尽管这时己经暮霭沉沉,天色一片朦胧了。 "It is fair tonight," said she, as she looked through the panes, "今晚天气晴朗,"她透过窗玻璃往外看时说, "though not starlight, Mr. Rochester has, on the whole, had a favourable day for his journey." "虽然没有星光,罗切斯特先生出门总算遇上了好天气。" Journey! Is Mr. Rochester gone anywhere? I did not know he was out. 出门?罗切斯特先生到哪里去了吗,我不知道他出去了。 Oh, he set off the moment he had breakfasted! 噢,他吃好早饭就出去了! He is gone to the Leas, Mr. Eshton's place, ten miles on the other side Millcote. 他去了里斯。埃希顿先生那儿,在米尔科特的另一边,离这儿十英里。 I believe there is quite a party assembled there. Lord Ingram, Sir George Lynn, Colonel Dent, and others. 我想那儿聚集了一大批人,英格拉姆勋爵、乔治·林恩爵士、登特上校等都在。 Do you expect him back tonight? 你盼他今晚回来么? No, nor to-morrow either. I should think he is very likely to stay a week or more. 不,明天也不会回来。我想他很可能呆上一个礼拜,或者更长一点。 When these fine, fashionable people get together, they are so surrounded by elegance and gaiety, 这些杰出的上流社会的人物相聚,气氛欢快,格调高雅, so well provided with all that can please and entertain, they are in no hurry to separate. 娱乐款待,应有尽有,所以他们不急于散伙。 Gentlemen especially are often in request on such occasions. 而在这样的场合,尤其需要有教养有身份的人。 And Mr. Rochester is so talented and so lively in society, that I believe he is a general favourite. 罗切斯特先生既有才能,在社交场中又很活跃,我想他一定受到大家的欢迎。 Source: www.kekenet.com